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Posts posted by StarHugger

  1. Lucky Me again to get a little Sun through My
    kitchen window...

    Best of Solar Luck and an Awesome Week Everyone !

    393 / 486 / 518 / 656 / 720 NIr-Colour













    70x420mm / Solar Wedge / IMX385-Colour / Quark Chromosphere / StarHuggers Filters

    200 / 3000-6000 / .5-3.5ms

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  2. These are indeed notched bandwiths all below 20nm and as narrow as 2nm for the Calcium, but I only share image results and then methods and reasons when asked. Recipes I do not share ever and are not forsale at any price.

    Safety, Nothing is done outside the visual spectrum and only with proper infrared and ultraviolet protections in place that are recomended standard by most solar filter manufacturers

    I use my camera to measure amplitude and record all my arrangements for repeated testing and use.


    I and my imaging are as real as I describe though I only ask you all to consider these results as mine and judge them based on not assumption but inquirey for wich I have been forth coming.

    And completely 1000 percent truthful...





    Thank you for you interest. No problem at all,

    This is the long known method of stacking colour filters for planetary visual observations reimagined by me and adapted for Solar Visual Observations and Solar Imaging, for solar transmission its of no issue and I can adjust a solar wedge through neutral density applications down to a tested 5% or the total available light bypass and can get the near exact exposure 2-6ms  for any wavelength I create and any barlow I run with it in most any small refractor I choose.

    The three coloured glass filter design elements are two that overlap creating the bandpass of my choice with specific set of cheap colour and other cheap colour based astronomy filters I collect and test both through colour chart identification and as compared to each other, you see this is all done colour based without a spectrum analyzer and using my colour camera in place of one and an accumulated collectors knowlege of the filters out there and thier stated spectra. Cheap filters because three are needed for each filter stack, two to graph the bandpass and a third to envelope the Ir or Uv or the more usual Ir Uv cut. Not having a camera dedicated Ir Uv protective  glass and having a wedge modified to cope with cartriging the filter stacks and managing densities easily are key.

    The cameras colours are then tuned in capture by histogram to the filter stacks colour response, again restating colour also being an easy semi accurate test method for wavelength identification and these are the reasons this method will not work with mono cameras as I get asked often enough if I can build a filter for a mono camera or quickly reveal my tac so they can just do spectroheliofiltergraphy in B&W lol... The colour inversions are done through subtraction, whatever colour your resulting sun and you invert it you  just subtract the one or two colours responsible for the correction and since you have only rgb to test the possible combinations it will be always found easily and swiftly in post.

    Shortly after discovering all this and developing the first prototypes and methods I thought it be nice to concieve and build a complete project or set, one never done or seen by anyone in history coming up with 5 lights across the spectum monochromatically correct but defined by specific narrow and semi broadband selections.





    • Thanks 1
  4. Celebrating Today my finally completing this set of colour filters after a year of experimentation and testing and tomorrows Solar Eclipse all at once it seems... All true colour rendering, imaging and coloured glass filtering in Newtons own 5 Monochromatic Lights of course...

    Have an Awesome Week Everyone !

    393nm Calcium



    486nm Hydrogen



    518nm Magnesium



    588nm Sodium



    720nm Narrowband Near Infrared



    70x420mm / SolarWedge / IMX385-Colour / StarHuggers Filters

    200 / 6000 /.8-6ms



    • Like 4
  5. I use my At80ed's dedicated .8x fr flattener ahead of my quark in both my 70 and 80mm Ed Astrotech model refractors, for both imaging and visual observations.

    This is done with an Ir Uv Cut mounted on the nose of the dedicated reducer.

    Newtons rings may join you in this configuration and that can be mitigated by camera tilting or by placing a 1.25 .5xr just ahead of your cameras sensor while still maintaining the proper setback for the scopes dedicated .8x reducer to the quark.

    This .5x reducers adjusted placement "camera side" can also be used to tune f ratio and image scale though too much reduction will contort the resulting images corners.

    All the quark imagry I have so far posted here are captured in this fashion.

    For note,

    I am using the Quark with the 4.3x barow built in and an externally mounted energy rejection filter must be used in configurations above 80mm in aperture for this technique.

    There will be other suggestions I'm sure, this one has been fully tested and proven in continued practice for 2 years with the results posted.

    For those with a Quark Chromosphere not owning a mono camera  for imaging a #8 yellow filter can be fixed on the camera side and this will alter the colour response and introduce contrast while making processing way easier with the resulting colour images more easily readable and well detailed.

    So, alternatives for daystars reducer and tilt adapter as well as imaging short of mono.

    Best of Quark Luck Indeed Everyone.





    • Like 2
  6. 14 hours ago, Rusted said:

    Some nice imagery. :thumbsup:

    I think your various images, across the spectrum, would benefit from text labeling.
    This would provide far more information for later analysis and direct comparison.
    Keeping the text off the disk itself is probably best. To avoid hiding anything interesting.
    I tried hovering the cursor over your images but no further information was forthcoming.
    Naming your images before saving them sometimes allows specific clues to be gained that way.
    A record of UT may have great importance if you should capture something unique.
    Always possible where the sun is concerned. Like your plane transit as a more informal example.
    A time stamp of the transit would allow investigators to check the plane's position and condition if needed.
    Plane spotters would love to have more information. Specific to their own interests in identification.


    Thank You!

    I Agree, more information...

    Mostly the result now of reducung image size and the posting across multiple platforms and the issues with stacking gradients and other issues of using colour cameras and filter designs for solar I wind up with the information lost in conversions that if not done the imagry would be good on some sites while wonky on others or just be too large in size all the images added together facing posting size limits.

    I do retain all the original files and names, its just not being shared properly as you indicate for these reasons.

    For instance the full high resolution animation for the jet transit I posted here is 23mb showing the whole event with the exhaust drifting and whirling off the left limb or 1046 frames, you only see 15 of those frames here or other places to stay below 5mb.

    Publishing images can be a maze indeed.








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