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Posts posted by peanutcol

  1. 1 hour ago, DAT said:

    Great picture! Out of interest, is the  blue on the contour of the right side visible through the eyepiece as well or just in the picture?

    I see that through some eyepieces but not others and wandering if it can be eliminated

    To be totally honest I couldn't tell you. It might have been but I didn't notice I was too busy trying to take a snap. Sorry 😔.

  2. Taken again using the heritage 130p but with the 10mm and the phone mount already attached so when switching between eyepieces I didn't move the telescope. Think this is better slightly as I lowered the exposure as advised. I also took a few small vids to try stacking to get a better image. Can't find an app that's free that seems to help though. Any ideas?. Cheers in advance.


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  3. Hi all. I have a heritage 130p and would like to try astrophotography so I'm asking what's the cheapest mount, tripod I'd need to try some photos. I have a phone mount at the Mo and am struggling to use it for any decent shots. The moon is easy but I really couldn't get a good shot of Saturn last week even though it was clear as anything in the eyepiece. Wanting a cheap alternative just in case astrophotography isn't for me.

  4. 1 hour ago, PeterStudz said:

    Good job… not easy handheld so you made it even more difficult! And thanks for posting. There should be more of this.

    If you get atmospheric dispersion it can be reduced, sometimes removed altogether, by editing in a smartphone app. I find Lightroom quite good for this and it has a simple, intuitive interface. 

    For handheld it’s going to be near impossible to adjust exposure. Mind, I’ll often take a few pictures/videos with different exposures and see what works best when I get back inside.

    What phone holder/adapter and eyepiece(s) do you use? I have something that cost me £9.99, is very light, fits BST StarGuiders like a glove and doesn’t require adjusting or fiddling & faffing once attached to the eyepiece. If I’m thinking of taking an image I’ll often have my phone attached to an eyepiece before I start. Then, all I need to do, is pop the eyepiece/holder/phone combination into the focuser and starting taking snaps. 

    Same here it's just an Amazon phone mount. I was using a 6.3mm eyepiece. Think I'll do that next already have it fitted make it easier on myself 

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  5. 32 minutes ago, CraigT82 said:

    Yup can definitely tell it’s Saturn though, nice one. Interestingly still quite a bit of atmospheric dispersion at its current altitude as you can see from the red fringe on the top and blue fringe on the bottom

    Thanks, I hadn't noticed the colours until you pointed it out.

  6. Waited ages for Saturn to rise above the roof of the house behind my garden so I could get a glimpse. Wonderful clear viewing night and had it crisp through my 6.3mm eyepiece. Decided to get a pic but as it was pitch black I couldn't get my phone lined up correctly in my phone mount so just took a handheld pic at the eyepiece. Used a vid to pic app to snap a screenshot then edited the blur slightly on my phone. I know I can get better with practice but still happy with this.


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  7. Well I was waiting for Saturn for the 1st time but cloud came in just before it was to come into view so changed tactics and found NGC 7000 the American nebula. Found using stellarrium. Looked like a star but was giving off an orangey glow. Then cloud spoiled my view. Nice to see something new.

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