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  1. No option to a alter the angle of the sensor, using a Canon R5 camera. I may try projection rather than a barlow. Just to see if it helps. Is there any fix for this, I did suspect something like this because of the small secondary mirror etc. Would a ND filter over the corrector help, or is the moon off the menu? It works fine on a 5" celestron, but a big issue on the 10", obviously much greater light gathering, it is the f6 version.
  2. I did use an nd filter, but surely that just darkens the whole image, and this light has already picked up the erroneous light. Sort of after the fact if it's something in the tube or because of the design.
  3. Is there any fix for this, I did suspect something like this because of the small secondary mirror etc. Would a ND filter over the corrector help, or is the moon off the menu? It works fine on a 5" celestron, but a big issue on the 10", obviously much greater light gathering, it is the f6 version.
  4. I have a mead 10" sct, I've been trying some close up moon shots, using a Canon R5 and a 2x barlow and a 3x barlow. A 90-98% moon. I've been getting a doughnut shape in the centre of the field. much more noticeable if the moon is off centre or it is less than full phase. If the moon is almost full, you can see a hot spot where this anomaly occurs. is this a known issue with an sct.
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