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Flame Nebula

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Everything posted by Flame Nebula

  1. Thanks John Indeed, I started saving up, on a slow trajectory from early 2021 towards planned purchase, late 2024, as I am essentially a planet person, and checked when jupiter would be high in the sky again , back in early 2021. I even have my wife's permission to buy a 'special' scope. Not exactly mentioned the mount, plus AP accessories, but given I originally intended to get a C9.25 evolution, you're already talking around 2.5K anyway. So, what's a K (ish) more, between friends. 🤔😉. Initially the cost of the mount and vanilla 200pds would be < 2.5K anyway. It's adding AP stuff that increases cost. If all goes well, I'll have saved 4k by September. So, the budget will cover most of the things I'd like. Do you think a used SW120ED will be as good as newest version? I've heard some things about different coatings? But, what will stop me, is if things go sideways on job front, as I can't really justify that sort of expenditure then, even though I've tried to ring fence it and keep it separate from other expenses. Fingers crossed. 🤞
  2. Wow, I wasn't expecting such a difference! So, would a smaller newt also benefit, do you think?
  3. Hi Dweller, Very interesting comparison. As you say, not much in it! But, considering it was a Tak, that's very encouraging. I think if I remember, we both have early signs of cataracts too (I have astigmatism in one eye as well). So, sooner I get the scopes the better. At the moment though, job security is not what I'd like it to be, but I wasn't planning to make major purchases until first half September anyway, as the nights draw in. Hopefully by then things will be clearer (skies and job! 😉) At the moment, the plan is for me to get the 200pds first, then if a good deal appears on a SW120, consider that. I have heard some stories that earlier Sw120 fracs may have a different coating to newer ones, but not sure if that matters
  4. Thanks Mr Spock, Pulling out one particular comment, I was interested in the variable polariser. How does it affect the appearance of jupiter, wrt bands, GRS, etc?
  5. Thanks Alan, Thanks to many people in the forum, plus other research, I decided early on that the az-eq6 was to be the foundation stone, and building from that. So, a 200pds and 120ed will be OK. But, it could handle bigger. Problem is, my ability to handle the larger scopes is inversely proportional to my age now. But, I may decide, 8" is all I need. 😊
  6. Indeed the beauty of the Az-eq6, is it can hand both simultaneously, so I could build up a record of differences. Obviously there will be times when I only want to have one set up, but the options there.
  7. Mike, This is fantastic stuff! Exactly what I was after! And certainly justification for both. 😉 Thanks Mark
  8. Hi Stu, Yes, it is sorted now. I didn't want to leave it as it was, and I could see Dweller had a point, after reflection. And, you're correct, perhaps I have exhausted you all with my posts. 😉 But, on the plus side, I think that all the exhaustion has achieved something, and in fact I give you (and others) a lot of credit for my decision to switch from getting a 12" newt for the AZ-EQ6, to going for the 200pds. The latter choice was also finalised when I found some stunning images of jupiter together with ganymede showing detailed albedo markings, on astrobin. So, to me, this shows what it's capable of, and it's a very good starting point for both visual and planetary AP, and won't break my back in the process! Doesn't mean I can match the images, but one has to start somewhere. You raise some interesting points above about your frac and newt, certainly the type of comparison I'm after, and it does seem as if having both would be most interesting. 😉
  9. Hi Dweller, Thinking about this again, from your perspective, perhaps I should have added a bit more of the reason for the question, to add context to it. Maybe if I'd done that, things would have turned out differently, as I certainly had no intention to fall out with anyone, especially given our previously good exchanges. 👍 It's because I'm going to get a 200pds, hence wondered what a 5" frac might add. Mark
  10. Hi John I realised I never answered your last question. Indeed, I am fully intending to get a 200pds mounted on an AZEQ6 (which can also be used for dso AP with my 80ed). The final question in my mind, is whether it would be worth getting a 5" frac, to complement the newt. This was the reason behind my post. You probably remember I've mentioned a used sw120ed, which is most likely the direction I'd take, to keep cost down, rather than a new one or a new StellaMira 125.
  11. Thanks Bob This is really useful! Just the sort of comparative information that I was looking for, to add to previous information supplied by others. It does seem as if both scopes are viewed differently, for some Newts beat the frac, for others fracs may show nicer planetary details. It may well come down to beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
  12. That's OK. I'm sure others will make their own minds up. I know I was genuinely asking the question as posted. That's what matters, as I know it to be true. 👍
  13. Hi Dweller, Fair point, you have given lots of good advice on my posts. But your post just now, is still repeating, in my opinion, the same attack, but in a different form. Are you saying I wasn't being genuine in my post? Because I can tell you I was. So, when I said the title says it all, it did. So, you can either choose to believe me or not.
  14. Thanks John, And I have always been interested in your comments. There is a fine line between supplementary question and telling someone what they're thinking or know and that is why I reacted. I do accept there may be some repetition, fair comment. I'm happy with fair comments. 👍
  15. A very interesting response Magnus, Since I'm definitely planning to get a 200pds, it is interesting to gather all your experiences with comparison between these scopes. I know they'll be differences of experience, but I'm getting a good idea by gathering them. Thanks
  16. Thanks Bob, You've understood absolutely 100% my intention. Definitely not to start any fight, it was exactly as the title intended, hence why I felt the way I did. Your comment is greatly appreciated!
  17. Thanks Jeremy, Maybe it can be both. I'd like to hear experiences and maybe spark debate, which is often interesting. Maybe, it may be tiring, but even so, tolerance should be part of a friendly atmosphere.. 🤔
  18. Thanks so far to those of you who have responded so far. Can I just make one comment though. I refer to the SGL code of conduct, and the "Ensure a friendly atmosphere" part of it. I do not think this friendly atmosphere is created by attacking the poster of a question, with a comment from one user, saying they wonder why I posted the question, as supposedly I already know the answer!?, just because I said the question was 'deliberate,' in the way it was phrased. If I was so arrogant that I presumed to already know the experiences of every single person on this forum, I wouldn't have asked the question in the first place. I felt the comment was a personal attack and found it quite irritating, if I'm honest, even if it wasn't intended that way, and no poster should be made to feel that way, if this is supposed to be a forum with a friendly atmosphere. I'd hope we can all agree on that. I certainly wouldn't have said anything like that to a poster, or 'liked' the comment either, which effectively condones it, and adds to the non friendly atmosphere. Anyway, I felt I needed to say this, in the hope it might make us all pause for thought about how our comments might be perceived by the recipient. I imagine this post I'm writing now, may be perceived as over-sensitive, maybe it is, but I'm sure you would agree that it is the effect on the recipient that matters, regardless of the intention. At least that's what all the training I've ever been given regarding respect for other people, has always emphasised! Anyway, that's all I wanted to say.
  19. Interestingly, I found myself liking one more than the other then vice versa. I think the 200p was sharper, as one might expect with stacking, but in terms of light and dark areas, both were nice. I'd be happy with either. The refractor did very well considering the aperture difference.
  20. Thanks Elp, Interesting point about stars. I wondered if perhaps the diffraction spikes in the 8" newt might cause issues with say uneven doubles like Sirius, compared to the refractor?
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