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Flame Nebula

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Everything posted by Flame Nebula

  1. Sorry, I think my last question went global. What mount do you use?
  2. That's the kind of sentence I like to see. 🙂
  3. Ethos eyepiece. I'll have to investigate those. 👍
  4. Thanks to everyone so far. I guess I'm testing the water here, as I've been saving up for nearly three years (yes the old fashioned way of buying something 😆), and I've got the C9.25 in mind. Fortunately no one has used this scope in any rgrets(so far).
  5. Hi everyone, I would like to hear stories about regrets after buying your scope and/or mount? These can include anything. Example my biggest regret was buying a scope without tracking many years ago. A lesson I learned and my next scope will have it, so I can enjoy high mag views without spending most of the time keeping the object in view. So, anything really. Buying too small a scope, or too large? Etc. Thanks Mark
  6. Hi, my plan (if it can be called that), is to be able to do planetary AP and visual with the sct, and dso AP with my existing 80ED, which I bagged for £330 off Ebay a few years ago. If the evolution mount that comes with the scope can suffice, then I 'only' need to get the minimum mount for the 80ed,which I suspect is an heq5. Alternatively, I could go for sct OTA only, and get the Az-eq6, which could actually handle both scopes simultaneously.
  7. Hi, Have you ever compared the view through your C9.25 compared to a 10" dobsonian, with respect to planets? I see mixed reports, some saying the newt is sharper and has better contrast, others saying the best view of jupiter that they've seen was in a C9.25. A long time ago, I had a 9" dob. I couldn't use high mag on it without saturn flying off view! But, many years ago, I had an opportunity to look at saturn through, what I think may have been an 11 inch sct (it was 30 years ago and in Ayers Rock, Australia) and the view of saturn can only be described as superb! Far superior to the 9" dob. Admittedly the latter was in the UK, so seeing likely not as good as the outback!
  8. Hi Cosmic Geoff Yes, indeed the other option is to go with the mount set up provided for the nexstar evolution, and use that for planetary AP and visual, and get a separate heq5 for the ed80. I've seen tons of good images taken with the ed80 /heq combo.
  9. Hi Mr Spock. Thanks. I did tinker with the idea of the Az-eq6, but they're very expensive.
  10. Hi Peter, that is helpful. I guess that the other useful thing is that StarSense can also be used with the celestron mounts.
  11. Hi Does anyone use this combination? I'm thinking about a mount I could get that I could use for both an 80ED for dso AP, and for visual use plus planetary AP with a C9.25. I would like to avoid buying an expensive mount like the Az-eq6, as that would be £500 extra and overkill for an 80ED. Any experiences would be most appreciated. Thanks Mark
  12. Hi Mike, thank you. I'm interested in what your maximum magnification can be, before blurring occurs?
  13. Hi everyone, I would like to know which scope has given you the most pleasurable experience, when you looked through it for the first time, and why? For me, it was seeing saturn through a large sct (I think it was a C11) when I went to an astronomy evening in Ayers Rock many years ago. Fantastic view, but whether I'd ever see anything like that in our UK seeing, is doubtful. Looking forward to your experiences. Thanks Mark
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