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Everything posted by Jimboh

  1. OK sorry and thanks, I somehow missed his discussion pages. Have posted there.
  2. I have been building and testing the esp32 version using the 8825 board config. I have the display and am able to run the webserver and do a goto and the display shows the position number going from set to goto value. The problem I am having is no movement whatsoever of the stepper. I am using a stepper module mount for the 8255 and a nema 14. I am looking at the step and Dir pins with my scope . The Dir pin is going high for positive moves and low for negative moves. I was expecting to see pulses on the step pin but see nothing (0v). I am pretty sure I have everything set up but even having read the manual in full several times I am still not 100% sure. Can someone tell me what I should see on the step pin on the ESP32?
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