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Everything posted by SydLappen

  1. Hi, I went back and checked a few things over, so it took a while. But this is what I found (or not): Are the RJ ports used for inter board connections or are they used to connect the steppers to each board ? >> Yes, that was not so easy to see. They are use to connect RA board to DEC-board and handset to board (RA). If they are interlink connections and you have access to a multi-meter (DVM) then you could check continuity of the cables... >> All seem normal except the one marked red (see picture below), gives a 10 ohm reading instead of 0.9-1 that I get on the others. Not being particularly experienced in electronics (not touched it since high-school I assumed a 1-1 relation between the connectors. Not sure if that is relevant? If the fault remains the same regardless which cable is used between boards then that rules the cables out. >> I have tried with switching RJ cables and it gives me the same error. The part that I'm struggling with is what's causing it to run fine and then cut out in that 5-15 seconds. I'm not familiar with the system myself, but is there an option to update the firmware via a PC application. >> From what I can see I run the latest version, 2.3 Do any of the chips on the DEC board get hot when the motor runs ? >> No, not that I can feel. You mention that the DEC motor seems to buzz when it stops. Can you confirm that the motors used are steppers and not DC servo motors (I can see what looks like an encoder disk and the letters "enc" are visible on the silk screen of the PCB). >> I cannot find any information on the Bresser site when it comes to this kit, there are others they sell where it says that it's steppers. So it's likely these are I guess. >> There is one thing though that puzzles me particularly, as I can't see any logical reason for it (if the problem is the DEC PCB), when the DEC motor stops working after a while (after you run a couple 5-12 sec. runs), the RA motor stops working as well. 🤔
  2. Hi Malcolm, Thank you for the support! I have tested the steps above and I got these results... "rule out the motors, remove them from the mount and see if the same issue occurs.": I did and it gave pretty much same results as before; DEC motor - same, runs 5-15 sec then stops. It runs a bit longer in one direction and in the direction where it runs shorter it makes more noise but I'm not sure that has any significance. RA motor - same, runs as long as you press the arrow buttons. "swap the motors over at the point where they connect to the motor board.: Only one at the time was connected (see photo), i e I did not swap and connect DEC to RA board and vice versa at the same time (it caused the motors to "hack" after a second or so). The results were telling: DEC motor connected to RA board - DEC motor runs as long as you hold the button! RA motor on DEC board (see photo) - motor stops after 5-8 sec. I have checked the board and the wires but I can't see anything that looks loose or bad soldering (see photos) It's of course possible that there is a bad connection in the cable that connects the boards but I can't see that. So, I guess we are talking about having to change the PCB? Kind regards, Magnus
  3. Tried it now, pretty much the same result - once or twice it runs for up to 12 sec if use low speed, then it drops back to 5 sec 🤷‍♀️
  4. The handset use Exos EQ v 2.3, it's just called Bresser GoTo Handbox. I use a 12V, 3A. I changed it recently as Bresser said that 3A would be better. What puzzles me is that 1 - the RA axis motor runs fine, does not stop when I use the "guide arrows" (handset), you cam run it back and forth all you want, and 2 - that on the Dec axis the motors run exactly 5 sec, then stop, then run 5 sec again, and continue to do it until the won't run when I hit the arrow key. 🤷‍♀️
  5. Good evening, Have had to drop this for a while but now all is re-assembled (new ball-bearings, cleaned, etc. (https://stargazerslounge.com/topic/418182-bresser-messier-exos-2eq-5-goto-worm-gear-problem/) I now have come to the second problem (was hoping that it would disappear...), that the Dec axis, when I move it using the handbox, runs for 5 sec intervals, 2-10 times (sometimes more, some times less), then everything stops. You cannot use any of the axis motors , none of the arrow buttons work, but it sounds like the engines are activated (low buzzing sound). Makes no difference if you go clock-wise or counter clock-wise, and it does not occur on the R.A. axis/motor. Any ideas?? Cheers, Magnus
  6. Thank you for the explenationsons! I'll try that. About the casing, I checked after you mentioned it, it's OK. There was just string of dirt. Thanks!
  7. It's true that wear is not so likely, they are not sitting in an engine after all. My thought was more some sort of damage, since there is a slow sort of vibration when I turn the cog wheel. I suppose it's not very expensive to change them? Just to be on the safe side...
  8. Hi! I have bought a second-hand mount and I'm trying to make it work OK (found problems as soon as I tried photography). As it's the first time I deal with this type of mechanics (has mainly been in cars and boats before 😝) I am bit lost... The worm gears, when I turn the cog wheel on the right, it does not turn effortlessly and smoothly (I imagined it would) but with a bit of resistance and with some "choppiness"? A bit like turning a ratchet wheel, it's a bit hard to describe... 😬 Is it normal or do I need to change the ball bearings? All advise is welcome Thanks! Magnus PS. Then I need to adjust the gears, but that's next step
  9. Swedish and living outside Malaga. Have decided to take up an interest I had as a teenager 😀 Trying to get my Bresser Messier HEQ5 exos/2 up and running 😝
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