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Everything posted by fluxfluid

  1. Power supply question for you clever people... I am by no means clever when it comes to electronics ect, so for those who know about this stuff..... I have this power supply and was just looking at the specs on the product page and I'm a little concerned that in the description it mentions 12.5v and the asiair and my gti mount state they need just 12v... https://www.firstlightoptics.com/power-accessories/baader-outdoor-telescope-power-supply-12v-5a.html Should / could I use this safely to power my asiair mini ? Or my star adventurer gti ? Which both state 12v
  2. Is it OK to plug the celestron aux splitter into the hand controller aux port ? I want to add the WiFi module and plugging even the splitter into the aux port on the base of the mount seems too close for comfort..
  3. I just got my new nexstar 8se a few days ago and was wondering what's the best / safest way to store it when not in use ... At the moment I have left it all put together with the OTA attached and pointing slightly upward with a nice large dust cover over the top... Is it recommended to remove the OTA and store it a different way ? Or is it absolutely fine to leave it all built ? I'd rather leave it built to be honest as I can easily just pick it up and take it outside when the weather is good... My brain was just ticking along thinking it might put unwanted strain on the mount / gears or motors
  4. Thank you Loius for that detailed explanation, that has certainly cleared things up a bit for me ... So many factors to take into account
  5. Thanks all for the replys and advice.. I've entered both telescope details into the astrotools site and it looks like I would get approx double the magnification with the 6se over the 130p . Does this look right ? I thought one of the replys stated I wouldn't see much more magnification on the 6se.. Thanks
  6. Hello , I'm looking for my next telscope after 1 year of using a skywatcher explorer 130p . I'm looking at the celestron nexstar 6se for the goto and tracking functions plus maybe a bit of planetry photography and hopefully some better views than the 130p I've been using .. Will I see clearer images and have more magnification with the 6se ? , my basic understanding is I'll have more magnification but not sure what to expect... Or am I better off with something else for the money ? Bearing in mind I do want goto/tracking and a little astrophotography..
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