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Everything posted by Manoah

  1. Thank you they are a 1,25 inch eyepeace but i will look for a polarising filter
  2. I have a 76/700mm telescope. The moon views are amazing. Tonight i started looking at jupiter, here is a picture that i made with a 4mm eyepeace. The problem im having is that other people With the same telescope can see jupiters bands and im just getting a bright white light. Do i need a difrent eyepeace? I have a 20mm 12.5mm and a 4mm. It was amazing tho, seeing the moons as well.
  3. Thank you i wil try again tomorow night!
  4. Hello everyone, i had an amazing christmas. i have a 76/700mm newton telescope. It has three eyepieces: 20, 12.5 and 4 i only use 20 and 12.5. I can see the moon really well and sharp, but as soon as i point my telescope at jupiter i don’t see jupiter but i see the miror. How is this posible and how can i see jupiter. When i want to sharpen the view that miror image gets smaller until its a tiny dot. Am i doing things right? Or what could this be? Manoah
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