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Posts posted by AstroEtcetera

  1. 20 hours ago, JeromeW said:

    Thanks Jerome, 

    I have jif001's brackets on my mount already but wanted to try your version of the RA bracket to see if I like the motor mounted better off of the weight bar. 

    I didn't print your version of the DEC bracket, but I have noticed that on the one I did print that with the 200mm belt tightened that the DEC bracket will hit the RA clutch if I try to lay the scope horizontal to the West which I often do when checking the balance. @jif001 I'm not sure if you noticed that on your mount with your DEC bracket or not. I was thinking about trying to make the bracket slightly narrower to help with that. What applications are you guys using to do your designs? I don't have my own printer yet, (I use a local service to get the STL's printed), so I haven't had the need to do any designs but I would like to give it a try.


    Thanks again for everyone's input on these improvements.  I would like to get this mount working as best as it can. At least until I can convince my wife to let me upgrade ;)  



  2. @JeromeW That’s great. I just finished mine as well but haven’t had a chance to try it out yet due to crappy weather where I live in Canada. Would you mind posting your RA motor mount STL. I’d like to print it and see if I like that mounting position any better than on the weight bar.  

    thanks to all. I really hope this helps with my backlash/guiding issues. 


  3. Great, thanks for the insight. I had assumed that maybe it was a ground but wanted to confirm what you guys had done. I see now, looking closer at JeromeW's photos that he has a black wire coming out of the housing and is attached to one of the screws that hold the motor to the housing. Good to know that you were able to omit that connection without any issue's though. 




  4. Hi Guys, thanks for all of this great information. @jif001 I've ordered/received all of the parts to do this conversion on my EQM-35 Pro mount but I do have a question about the wiring bit. For the DEC wiring what comes out of my DIN connector at the DEC motor housing is 5 wires and not 4. This then plugs into a 5 pin to 4 pin board mounted on top of the stepper motor then 4 wires out to the motor. Is this what you guys had (I don't see that part in the electrical diagram)?.  If so did you reuse the converter board from the original stepper motor and just put it inside the new housing somehow? Or did you use some other method to go from 5 pin to 4 pin? Here are photos of my mounts DEC stepper motor for reference.





    Thanks for the insight and STL's in this post.



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