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Posts posted by LunarRob

  1. Hello all thanks for having me, i have started to study astronomy and want to get a telescope which will last me and give me the best possible view of planets, galaxies etc and maybe a little photography eventually but more viewing

    Its seems a dobsonian is the best bang for buck and i have been looking at the below as i have found alot of the used ones up north are expensive and not much cheaper than new and typically all the cheap ones are the other end of the country.

    StellaLyra 8" f/6 Dobsonian | First Light Optics

    Sky-Watcher Classic 200P Dobsonian | First Light Optics

    is it possible to do some basic photography e.g. smartphone with the StellaLyra? and what extra would you reccomennd to get started e.g lunar filter/ and 2x lense. Also open to any other suggestions but i dont like going halfway when i do something so want some thing that will see me through for a while.




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