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Everything posted by Adam-R

  1. Thanks I'll def keep an eye out and once I've been here long enough I should be able to access the classifieds. I like to research and take my time and also like to buy into an eco-system so sticking with ZWO, for instance wouldn't necessarily be a problem
  2. Thanks for this. I've just watched both videos. It seems like the logical first step would be the mount in any case and then once I want to upgrade and can swap out the DSLR for a dedicated camera etc? From early research the ZWO ASIair will control the DSLR as well, which is handy.
  3. Thanks Steve, and all the others. My undergraduate degree was physics so I guess I really should’ve taken an interest in this a few years ago. But I’m here now at least 😆 I’m in Sheffield, so if anyone knows of any good AP locations then I’d be keen to learn where they are.
  4. Wow thanks for the great replies already! It feels like this will be a great community. I am interested in Nebulae and landscape AP. As for budget, considering what I already have I’d be looking at about £1k to get me fully up and running, but would like to make a start capturing asap. thanks!
  5. Hi all, New here and looking to get into AP. im not a stranger to photography in general but I’ve had maybe 10 years without a camera. I know that the answer to this question will be ‘it depends’ but, if you had to start again and you had, say £1k - what equipment would you be buying now? I already have a Nikon D7100, Samyang 14mm F2 and a 35mm F1.8. so I’m guessing I’ll need a tripod, tracker? And then maybe a scope for DSO? I love to tinker and upgrade stuff and I’m already looking at a D850 as it’s full frame. What does everyone recommend?
  6. Thanks Mr Spock! you know what request is coming next right?? 😄
  7. Hey everyone Just thought I’d say hello before I start posting in the main forums. Im looking to get into astrophotography. I’ve made a start and picked up a Samyang 14mm F2 lens but feel like this is the tip of the iceberg :-)
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