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Everything posted by HarryM6234

  1. Hello all , we have tried both of these options. we are now using the App instead of the hand controller
  2. Hello , my dad has recently purchased a used 12 Inch Skywatcher Go-To Flex Tube and we’re struggling to get it aligned properly / setting it up . we’ve read through the instructions (and trying to get him to read instructions is a battle in its own right) and can’t seem to find where we are going wrong! first we tried the Hand control unit . we got it level -or as level as we could in our garden that’s practically all on a slope - and pointed it north. went through the co ordinates steps etc etc and all the other alignment steps and whenever we told it to go to X it just went in the complete wrong direction and orientation each time. So then we ordered a WIFI dongle and tried using the SynScan app , and more of the same happened . we tried all alignment methods and nothing worked!!! Any help is much appreciated as we’d love to get it up and running asap.
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