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Posts posted by SimonfromSussex

  1. Great report John, really glad you are enjoying the scope now.

    I was at herstmenceux star camp last month with my scope observing and this guy comes over and ask to have a look through the eyepiece. He has a gander and then says "that's a nice mirror". I said "cheers, I'm very very happy with it". He then says; "that's a John Nichol mirror if I'm not mistaken?" "It is!" I reply surprised, "how can you tell?" He then comes away from the focuser, shakes my hand and says "John Nichol, pleasure to meet you!"

    When I ordered the mirror it was done via email and phone so I'd never actually met the man. In the dark it was obviously difficult to recognise him! Anyway meeting him in person only reinforced my opinion on what a nice guy he is and I wouldn't hesitate to recommend his mirrors. So glad you have a similar opinion!

    • Like 9
    • Haha 1
  2. Great report Alan, you sound just a touch excited!?

    I've yet to hit Virgo with mine yet so here's hoping we get some clear sky to do it soon.......should be amazing!

    Your not wrong about Jupiter, there is definitely a sweet magnification point that varies night to night, generally I find my 10mm ethos hit's the spot though (x188 for me).

    I put the planet right over to one side of the eyepiece and then watch it drift across the 100 degrees. This gives your eye time to take in the detail without any nudging.

    The summer nebula will be a treat too.......wait till you point it towards sagittarius & cygnus  :icon_eek:  :biggrin:

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  3. I have several types of eyepieces from an Ethos to Naglers to Radians to Plossls and a TV zoom and enjoy the different experiences of using them in my different scopes. For the same reasons I have a trio of BGOs which I really like too as they provide lovely sharp and contrasty views. That said, based on the observations of e.g. John I doubt there is much to be given away to a Delos either way.

    Thanks Moonshane that is really interesting to hear. I might dabble with a 10mm Baader Classic Ortho as it would fit nicely between the 8 & 12 Delos and give me an idea of the different experience.

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