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Everything posted by Spacejunky

  1. Eli, I do have a camera and I’ve heard the term “drift alignment”. I’ll check that out also. Thanks for your response…Rich
  2. Thanks so much- then there is hope! I’ll need to download NINA and begin the learning curve process. I should have mentioned I’m retired so disposable income is a thing of the past. The price for NINA however is within my price range haha. Good stuff…Rich
  3. I haven’t used my scopes for a decade so I’m a beginner again. I purchased my Atlas EQ-G almost 20 years ago for goto and tracking purposes but became discouraged not being able to get an accurate alignment. The North Star is blocked by trees. My observation site is near enough to my house for power, wifi, and beer. I have PS Align Pro software along with SkySafari 6.8, and a first Gen. SkyFi wireless telescope adapter if that helps. I’m not exactly “state of the art”. I recall trying to do something with Align Pro which was close but no cigar, definitely not good for astrophotography (I had high aspirations). Since my 10 year absence is there a procedure to do a proper 3 star alignment without the North Star? I don’t have much visibility to the norh. Limited view of the north east and north west, but everything else is fair game. I see there is software that identifies stars now so maybe a 3 star without the north? Any suggestions most appreciated! Thanks…Rich
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