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Everything posted by Doktor_KlingeL

  1. I see so this combination would work right? Guide Camera: ZWO ASI120MM mini ~ 220 Euro Guide Scope: 32mm Travel GuideScope ~115 Euro Yes my camera is stock and I dont want to modify it since I do use it as a normal camera too. What do you think about this refractor? Refractor: TS-Optics Doublet SD-Apo 72 mm f/6 - FPL53 ~ 605 Euro Thank you for the suggestion I will consider it. What do you think about this refractor? Refractor: TS-Optics Doublet SD-Apo 72 mm f/6 - FPL53 ~ 605 Euro
  2. Wait a minute. I may have missunderstood something. I thought the ASI120mm would act like a guide telescope? As in I would put that on top of my lens. I am a little bit confused now in that regard. With post processing I am still unsure, but there are a lot of seemingly great free options out there.
  3. Hello everyone! I am trying to put together an complete and relatively cheap list of equipment for astrophotography. This is what I came up with so far with my thoughts why I chose what I chose. I hope we can fine tune this list together to make my first journey into astrophotography less stressful. I hope I did not forget anything and this list is complete. If not please tell me what you would add to it and why. 1. Camera - Canon 6D (*) Why did I choose this camera: I had it lying around and I do day to day photography with it. (I also have a cheap intervalometer at my disposal) 2. Camera Lens / Telescope - Canon EF 24-105mm 4.0L IS USM (*) Why did I choose this Lens: This is a lens I am using from time to time and I think it could suffice for the first couple of sessions. - alternative: 72/420 ED-APO ~445 Euro and: 0,85x Reducer for 72/420 APO ~280 Euro Why did I include this telescope and reducer: I did not buy them yet because I want to start with as much of equiptment I already have to reduce the overall cost. But I think this telescope would be a great upgrade in the future. 3. Autoguiding - RaspberryPi 4 with 8GB RAM ~ 100 Euro (I will use the raspberry for different projects also) -> with Astroberry installed Why did I choose this autoguiding system: Since I need a RaspberryPi anyway I might as well use it also for that purpose. Astroberry seems to be pretty powerfull with many functions. - alternative: ZWO ASIAIR PRO ~ 319 Euro Why did I include this autoguiding system: It is an alternative to my idea of using the RaspberryPi. 4. Autoguiding Camera - ZWO ASI120MM mini ~220 Euro Why did I include this autoguiding camera: It does not matter if I go with the RaspberryPi or with the ASIAIR autoguider. I would like to have an autoguiding camera to make my life easier to track the sky, to plates solve and to align the goto mount as automatically and easy as possible. I know for most if not all of you polar and star alignment is easy but I am somewhat always pressed for time. Not going to lie, I also am a little bit uneducated in that regard. I would like to have an easy to use system where I have to touch the assembly as less as possible. I hope you understand and dont judge me too much for that. 5. GoTo Mount and Tripod - Star Adventurer GTi with steel Tripod ~730 EUR Why did I choose this GoTo Mount: It is a battery driven, compact and feature rich platform which supports relatively much weight. 6. Tablet to connect the RaspberryPi to - Windows Surface 7 Pro (*) Why did I choose this Tablet: I already have that and use it as my daily driver. I would connect the raspberry pi or the ASIAIR over ethernet or via wifi to that tablet and go from there. Things marked with (*) I have already and do not contribute to the cost
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