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Everything posted by Horse

  1. Hello! I am finally looking into upgrading my eyepieces from what my scope came with. I am wonder what range of eyepieces i should have, would a 40mm, a 20mm and a 9mm suffice for a 6" dob? I am mainly doing deep sky, and dont want to spend money on eyepieces I wont end up using.
  2. Hello! I have recently upgraded from a 4.5” reflector to a 6” Dob. I have seen the gas giants, mars, venus and mercury. I have seen a few DSOs, such as M31, the ring nebula, M13, bodes and the cigar galaxy. I am now wondering what DSOs i would be able to resolve detail on. I am in bortle 4, so i reckon not much, but im not too far from a bortle 2. What should i spend my time trying to find if a plan a trip out? I am in the northern hemisphere.
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