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Posts posted by Alan38

  1. I have been using NINA with my AVX mount and Svbony 405cc camera for many months. Just recently I have been unable to get NINA to slew and center to an object because the plate solving with ASTAP keeps failing. I was getting an error message saying "old database". Despite that message, sometimes it would still be able to plate solve. Recently it just fails and tries to go to the blind solver. I do not have internet access where I have been setting up, so that also does not work.  When I try to simply load a previously obtained photo into the framing assistant, ASTAP will not solve it, saying "plate solve failed to retrieve coordinates for image" , even though the coordinates are clearly showing in the framing assistant. When I use the blind solve option at home  using  All Sky Plate Solver, it plate solves but coordinates produced are slightly different than what is on the FITS header.  Finally, when I use the three point polar alignment plugin (that also relies on plate solving} that works! I am wondering if I should simply uninstall and reinstall both NINA and ASTAP.

    Thanks  for any thoughts

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