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Posts posted by Alex_Fla

  1. A Photo Umbrella's shape is a very poor 'parabola'.

    What it does have is a Deep shape that blocks the 290K radiation from surrounding ground/trees/buildings and provides a bit of RFI shielding. Also, it is easy to fabricate.

    Your Reflector is (was) a superior design. but perhaps a bit shallow .. If You Do plan to make another one,  work toward an f/D  ratio of 0.3 to 0.35 .

    For a more detailed video of my RT development :





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  2. Do you have any data you could post ?

    The biquad feed with its open ends allowed the loops to receive ground temperature noise,

    and the proximity of the PC may have added RFI, but overall a very good effort !!

    If you want to try something again, consider this  : It works reasonably well, is no more difficult to fabricate

    than your Science Project, is low cost and  quite portable...




    Winter Springs Fla

    Inline image

    Inline image





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  3. Perhaps the title should read " Can't See This with Your Amateur Optical Telescope "

    Even a small Radio Telescope can easily detect the Doppler Shift of interstellar neutral hydrogen gas clouds within the Milky Way.

    The differing velocities of the Milky Way's Galactic Arms can be resolved and displayed .


    This is an example of a single ( 5 minute ) scan .. The contour plot was the result of 8 hours of data collection.


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