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Everything posted by kurdewiusz

  1. This document was my starting point. The title of my question refers to it. It's also given as one of the references at the bottom.
  2. When you integrate the changing speed or the constant speed with the variable time step, you add up all these small, partial sections. Space is not made of sections of different lengths (that expanded at different rates) unlike the path calculated by the numerical integration of a motion of a body moving with variable speed. Can you see the difference? It's crucial. I introduce parameter b(t)=1/a(t) and have the exact, same problem. It occurred to me, that this integration would be suitable for the path of gravitationally redshifted photon, because gravitationally curved spacetime retains its distributions of time dilation and length contraction factors at all times at all distances: This is not the case with expanding, intergalactic space.
  3. Exactly That' the problem: all these legs have a different expansion rates and they all end up with different lengths.
  4. This integration means that a fragment of space with an initial length equal to the original wavelength at the emission site expanded 1100 times, and subsequent ones expanded less and less, until no expansion at our place and time.
  5. In case I'm wrong and this integration is correct, I ask for clarification. If I'm right and this integration is wrong, then the observable universe radius calculated with it is also wrong. In that case, I'd like to know, what's the proper formula for this calculation. If there is no other, then I think we have a problem and I kindly ask you to acknowledge it. Downvotes given out of personal grudge after discussion - this is closely related to the original question in terms of physics, moderation and the astronomy/stackexchange community.
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