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Kenneth Spackman

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Everything posted by Kenneth Spackman

  1. Hi all Just to let you all know we're I am up to. The issues with the mak continues from bad to worse. dust issues still inside mak and focusing still an issues which has gotten worse. Severe back focus problems. Severe vignetting and getting worse making viewing planets extremely difficult. I have tried all 14 of my eye pieces and all the same. Set up in daylight this morning and problems remain. Used the mak again last night for saturn and jupiter but gave up because of the problems as above so set up my 90mm skywatcher evostar refractor bought from FLO and had great views. Contacted the seller again and got fobed off. I persevered with emails but last email from seller to me was: it may need to go to manufacture or I ( me) could sell it. Yet again no offer of refund or replacement even though I made the seller aware of problems the next day when I took delivery . A member here asked me what shop did I buy the mak from but I did not give the name. The only reason I did not buy the scope from FLO initially is flo did not have it in stock. I wished I had waited. The shop I bought it from is Rother Valley Optics. Buyers beware from buying from them they don't care or give a dam. I have contacted skywatcher direct and in the process of contacting trading standards. The mak is now back in its box possibly for good.
  2. Hi JJonson I am just awaiting clear nights and will try out the large patio umbrella I have. I will also try the thermonitor test and will report back with results. Might be a while as next ten nights cloudy.
  3. Hi peterstudz. I have given this more thought. I have done a lot of camping over the years and have left doors and roof partial open and the dew has been quite bad outside but not inside the tent also, I have noticed that dew never enters my shed. I also used to do a lot of night fishing under an open fishing umbrella and come to think about it, never got dew on my equipment. I have a large patio umbrella and will definitely give it a try.
  4. Hi bosun21 It is recommended under the heading: sky and telescope on Internet and umbrella is recommended as a shield against low temperatures. I am still a little dubious as I have not seen any one using umbrella to sheild telescope and equipment.
  5. Hi all I would like to ask some advice in regards to using an umbrella to stave off dew when star gazing. I read a article reporting up to 10 degree higher then the serounding area. This sounds to good to be true or is it. Does anyone use an umbrella to help stave off dew. I can see the benefits of umbrella as a shield for the wind.
  6. That's been my biggest worry using the mak in winter and heavy dew nights/ early mornings this summer , but I feel a lot more confident using either a heated dew strip or heated dew sheild and grateful for yours and Elp replies. Thank you both. Take care by
  7. Hi Bosun21 Thank you for your reply I have been looking at the all in one heated dew sheild on FLO and will give it some thought as it makes a lot of sense and I noted good reviews from people using them. I have been religiously blowing front lens prior and after but will also try with scope pointing downwards. Thank you for the advice.
  8. Hi Elp Thank you kindly. I have just finished reading up on this and your advice is strongly recommended, again many thanks.
  9. Hi Elp Thank you so much. I am more educated now and appreciate your advice and will definitely put it into practice. Take care
  10. Hi Elp Thank you for your reply. I wasn't to sure. Would you put the dust cap back on with dew heatstrip on if I bring the scope back in from the cold to a warm house or leave it off until scope equalisers.
  11. Hi. I have a sw 127mm maksutov telescope and have been getting up early mornings to view the planets however, the dew is problematic so purchased a dew sheild to good effect. My main worry is the colder winter nights and currently looking at purchasing a dew heater strip but cannot find any information in regards to switching the dew heater strip on before taking the scope outside and do you leave it switched on when bringing it back indoors. I would kindly appreciate any advice please.
  12. The mak was bought brand new from a well known seller/shop advertised on Internet. I will again contact the shop to request a full refund or exchange. Thank you all for your advice and support. It's nice to know I am not a lone amature astromoner.
  13. Thank you Elp for your reply.i use several different types from svbony, plossels and tnb. I agree that it should be just a fine tune from one eyepiece to another. I will try to vidio and send to seller as not thought about this. Thanks.
  14. Hi M40 Very greatful for your reply. I have considered zoom eyepiece and might be my next move. I don't mind refocusing as it is part and parcel of using a telescope which I enjoy greatly but considering how fine the focuser is on the mak and I have very light and steady hands it seems forever to focus. It might be me as I have used refractor telescopes most of my life and I am totally aware now of the massive difference in mak focusing. I will try and get a photo of the dust particles on the inside of front lens posted her. If successful the dust is not on the outside.
  15. Hi cosmic Geoff. Thank you for replying. The seller is well known but it is not FLO Telescopes. I have done everything the seller has asked of me regarding the mak even sent photos. I have a good knowledge of using the mak but confess research only. Daytime use focusing is similar especially when I go up to a more power eyepiece. I get the doughnut and having to refocus from scratch and I mean from scratch. No minute turning of the focuser knob but lots of turns and turns before finally reaching focus. So trying to do this at night when perfectly focused on venus at 150x and then either take it up to 200/250x is an utter nightmare hence I am sitting in tonight researching again and again of where I am going wrong. I have excluded time for cooling the mak to cleaning my eyepieces and not being heavy handed fine tuning focus and weather conditions . The only conclusion is problematic mak.
  16. Hi. Can someone please give advice. I bought a skywatcher 127mm maksutov telescope ten days ago. I have been stargazing since a young age and have had many telescopes mostly refractors however, moved to a smaller property on retirement so sold the refractors and bought the maskotuv mostly because of space ( no pun intended) I have only used three times in the ten days of ownership. The first use I gave cool down time over an hour. Focusing was a nightmare especially when changing eyepieces. I had to refocuses for ever with each eyepiece. I contacted the seller who is a well known seller on the internet and was informed once in focus leave alone, but this cannot be done as doughnut displays and hey presto refocusing needed but obviously planet has disappeared from view. I have looked at all avenues finally looking at front lens and horrified that internally there is a lot of dust particles and a piece of swarf or something on the secondary mirror. I have requested a return under the 30 day return policy but the well known seler informs me that I cannot do this as the telescope has been used but that I need to try telescope again and maybe discuss the manufacturer two year warrenty. I am heart broken. I love star gazing and have researched about everything there is on a maskotuv telescope. I am so sorry now that I got rid of my refractor telescopes and payed over £300 for the maksutov telescope. Can anyone please give advice as to where I go from here.
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