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Posts posted by ovrcome

  1. 13 minutes ago, Adreneline said:

    Sorry to hear you are having problems. Frustrating!

    Have you tried setting the Reverse option?


    I measured the Backlash on my system accurately and chose my Fine and Coarse based on the backlash figure; as I understand it the Backlash is not used in the Autofocus routine. As you have a different gearing arrangement I assume you need to use different Fine and Coarse figures.

    Fingers crossed this helps.


    Thank you!! I will try these settings tonight! 

  2. ZWO EAF Autofocus HELP!!! Using ASIAIR Pro. I have searched this topic for weeks and even performed the mod Nico Carver suggested on the Rokinon 135mm and no matter what I do, when I try to use autofocus, the automatic out and in focusing hits infinity and causes my gear to skip and I simply cannot autofocus. I have attached my setup design. Any help from the community would be greatly appreciated! 


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