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Everything posted by Dountoun

  1. Interesting, I have the same telescope with the same field flattener but a Canon 700D (modded) and I use a Astronomik L-2 UV/IR cut clip in filter. I do not have any problems with backfocus on my setup.
  2. Well, my plans have been thrown out of the window. I managed to get a second hand deal on a HEQ5 Pro SynScan within my budget. I'm going to pick it up on Friday. Sometimes patience really does work out. Thank you all for your input! It's all valuable information to me. Clear skies!
  3. Hello there! Ah, trying to sell me a mount haha. I have to decline since I actively use autoguiding which is missing, so better luck next time.
  4. Hello there! Thank you for sharing your experience with the OnStep system! Also, you managed to create some impressive images with your system. I will be taking a look in OnStepX, but might stick to 4.x for the EQ5 until its out of Beta if I take the EQ5 route. Also thankyou for the link to graydigitalarts, however they are considerably more expensive then Terran or well most other kits out there. Since this will just be a mount in between I rather spend as little money as possible. And while doing so I understand the support will be limited but that's the risk I'm willing to take.
  5. Hello there! I'm DT, looking at the sky from the Netherlands and... who took the darkness away! 🤭 Well that aside, for the past year and a bit I have been taking pictures of the deep sky using the following equipment: Telescop: TS-Optics PhotoLine 60 (FL 360mm) Camera: Canon EOS 700D astro modified Mount: SW Star Adventurer Guiding: Camera: SV305 pro Guidescope: SV165 30mm Programs: Sharpcap, NINA and PHD2 The above equipment has been serving me well to get into astrophotography and helped me learn about lots different aspects and challenges you can run into. But lately I have been feeling the Star Adventurer is becoming more and more a limiting factor. Guiding is not great, I have to throw away 25%-50% of my frames each night. And of course it's not a Go-To so it requires more of my time and attention, both at the start and when it runs into its limits. So, the time has come to replace the Star Adventurer. I have been reading a lot of user experiences both here on this forum and others about different mounts. If I had the money, I would have bought the SW EQ6-R Pro but sadly I'm not in a position to buy that mount... yet. But since I'm not enjoying the performance of the SA I kinda require something better but for less money then the EQ6-R. At this moment I have found 2 options which fall within my budget of €800. (I know it's limited and more would be better, but this is what I can play with for the foreseeable future.) Celestron AVX (hypertuned) which I can buy second hand within my budget. EQ5 (non Go-To) and a motor kit with OnStep (https://www.terransindustry.com/products/skywatcher-eq5?variant=42553929826497) I don't mind taking my equipment apart and fiddling with them, I actually enjoy doing so when it's cloudy. Always trying to find ways to maximize the performance of my equipment. So yeah, this is the choice I have at the moment and I would like to hear what you think about my choice for a next mount. Personally I'm leaning towards the EQ5 with OnStep because of the belt drive and higher versatility of the OnStep system. Well, I hope I will be able to make my choice with all your input, thanks in advance and clear skies!
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