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Posts posted by DavidLF_

  1. Hace 5 horas, Clarkey dijo:

    ¿Qué montura y controlador estás usando? ¿El controlador es la última versión? He used the solution of placas NINA sin problemas, pero uso ASTAP.

    Dudo que sea un problema de Windows si Windows normalmente funciona bien. (Por no decir que es imposible).

    Yo uso un neq6 y la última versión de ascom.

    I also use astap but I am very interested in platesolve3 because of my long reach and small fov

  2. Hi, I'm new here, I'd like to resume this conversation, I recently installed PS3 and it resolves quickly, but it gives me an ascom driver error in NINA when trying to move the telescope.  In the parameters tab I forgot to add my coordinates, I don't know if this is the cause of the problem.  I have also read this here "The regional settings of windows need to be set to use a point as the decimal symbol" but I don't know where to change it.  can anybody help me?  Thanks in advance!

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