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Posts posted by gaiden

  1. hello guys!

    I'm searching for info all over the internet...

    well, my exos2 (the bresser model, the white one, NOT the PMC8)


    still drive me crazy and also after a complete regreasing still point of stiffness in both axes. worst: now it's almost impossible to reduce backlash between motor's gears and worm's gear. 





    phd2 guiding is still a mess and ever if I could get pinpoint stars in 180" poses here you can see some PHD2 typical graphic:




    after switching to OAG I had a little improvement but...


    balancing is still a mess and when I tear it up to regreasing I noticed this different surface on the dec axe: smooth and knurled both. as you can see in this pic:



    so, I think to replace bear-balls and maybe replace the original go-to motorisation with onstep system like this: https://fr.aliexpress.com/item/1005005545127070.html?spm=a2g0o.cart.0.0.e878378dunHuEC&mp=1&gatewayAdapt=glo2fra
    Ideally I should have better motors, more precision, less backlash, better drivers, wifi connecting.
    it's right? what do you think about? expecially about this motor kit.
    thank you so much and clear sky!

  2. Hi!
    I'd like to upgrade my setup for DSO with a cooled camera. (actually I'm shooting with a Canon 500D defiltered)

    I'd like a color camera, in a budget around 1000€; then here we are: or IMX533 or IMX294

    533 is a newer sensor with a lot of benefits but my worries are about his size.. maybe too small for my 80ED+0,8x reductor?

    294 could be the right one but... in ZWO Camera I read a lot of troubles about this sensor: flats, darks and dark flats difficult to obtein and an incompatibility with narrow band filters (l-extreme) wich brings red halos hard to remove in PP. 
    My question is: this sensor has da same problems in the Player One Artemis too?

    someone has any kind of experience with this camera? 

    thank you so much!

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