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Grump Martian

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Posts posted by Grump Martian

  1. I have both a Skywatcher ST 120 and a Celestron C6 with Starbright XLT coatings. The C6 is used with the F 6.3 focal reducer attached as default.

    I do enjoy using them both, but have never done a side by side comparison. I am going to do this in Dorset this weekend. Hope there is a clear sky.

    You would think that the unobstructed ST 120 would win. But the C6 has an extra 25 mm of apature. I will report back with my opinions next week.

    • Like 1
  2. I am travelling to South Wales in a few weeks to visit my brother. If the sky is clear then it is fantastic to observe with my 80 mm Equinox refractor. Can anyone recommend a reasonably sturdy tripod/mount assembly that can be carried with me on the train? 

    I find that most photographic tripods are too wobbly. I accept that a transportable tripod will shake to some degree. But what is the best compromise?

  3. Just settling to watch a recorded episode of the 1960's Avengers.

    Series 5, episode 1. From Venus With Love. This telescopes was shown. It would be interesting if it could be identified. Wonder if it's still in use today?

    Apologies if this topic has been covered before.




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  4. Just flicking through some books in my astronomy collection. I have several from the1970's, 1950's & the 1800's. The oldest is Sun,Moon and Stars by Agnes Giberne,from 1884. It's fun reading through these and looking at the colour plates.

    I think that there must be older astronomy books.

    I am still looking to see if there is a picture of the man in a chair being taken into space by several swans. I have seen it in books so often in the past. But can't seem to find it at the moment. It was an ancient vision of how we could travel to the moon.

    I have posted a picture of the book and some of it's wonderful picture plates.





    • Like 11
  5. I have a number of telescopes which I am happy to mount on manual alt/az mounts. But occassionally I would like to have a goto facility. My scopes are an ED 102 mm, Celestron C6 and an ED 80 mm. I would be interested to hear what telescopes Sky-Watcher AZ-GTiX owners put on this mount.

    Th AZ-GTiX is a mount that I am considering. But have been told conflicting accounts. Refractors don't work well on this mount and others are reported to be ok.

  6. Hi,I would e-mail First Light Optics and ask them about which 1 1/4 inch star diagonal would fit your 127. The two eyepieces that you have would work well. Buy a 10 mm ,1 1/4 " eyepiece. This eyepiece would give you 150 x with your telescope focal length of 1500 mmm


    • Thanks 1
  7. 9 minutes ago, Paz said:

    I'd probably keep my 5" refractor out of my current scopes and then step down to a 4" if/when circumstances require it. ... but if I could only have one scope it probably would not be any of what I have currently...  I'd be very tempted to go for a 10" dobsonian. 

    I recently bought a ten inch Dobsonian. But sold it to a school friend. After having abdominal surgery, I would not like to lift it being too heavy. If I could permenantly mount a telescope. Where I did'nt have to lift.  It would be a large Meade LX telescope.

    • Like 2
  8. My Celestron C6 and Starfield ED 102 mm really give great views. But if I were forced to keep just one  it would have to be my Skywatcher Equinox ED 80 mm. It gives both great wide field and planetary views. Observing the moon is a delight. The little Equinox is a real performer.

    • Like 5
  9. Telescopes that I have are of modest apature and easily transportable. I used to own an Orion Optics VX8. I enjoyed it ,but  eventually a bit heavy for me to transport to different observing sites. I would though like to own an Orion Optics VX6. Good optics and easily transportbable. Importantly,affordable.

    You could easily say that you would like a Hubble equivalent, but too expensive for this thread.

    • Like 5
    • Confused 1
  10. 4 hours ago, WolfieGlos said:

    Only two;

    Starfield 102 ED

    Skywatcher Evostar 72ED

    And I'll probably be selling the 72ED since it's just sat collecting dust. I seem to be one of a kind here 🤣

    My ED 102mm is the Starfield. A lovely telescope. A proper stargazing instrument.

    • Like 2
  11. 12 minutes ago, woldsman said:

    Too many (!). Five refractors & three reflectors:

    William Optics GT71 (used for wide field imaging)

    Vixen Custom 80 (used when I’m away from home for observing)

    Vixen Custom 90 (used for v quick observing sessions at home)

    Tal 100R (an indulgence)

    Tal 100RS (used for planetary observing)

    Tal 110 (used for solar projection)

    Skywatcher 130PDS (used for imaging smaller targets)

    Tal 150P (used for observing at home for longer sessions)


    I think a couple from this list may have to go…

    Noooo, keep them all. You'll reget the loss.

    • Haha 2
  12. No telescope shop owners allowed,lol.

    I have seven including an

    1. opticron bird watching scope.

    2. Tasco 40 mm.

    3. Henry Wildey made 70 mm refractor.

    4. Celestron C6.

    5. ST 120.

    6. ED 80.

    7. ED 100.

    I'm happy to keep these having chopped and changed over the last ten years. 

    The ST 120 gets used on my visits to Dorset. The ED's and C6 are my regularly used scopes in Hertfordshire. The Tasco 40mm is the model of scope that I first looked through when I was 14 in 1974. The 70mm is a treasured item having known Henry during the 1990's and early 2000's.

    I use the Opticron in the garden and bird hides in the Lea Valley.


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