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Posts posted by AstronomyEnthusiast

  1. Hi all, 

    I'm looking at getting a little telescope as I'd like to start doing some observational astronomy, but I'm not sure where to start and was wondering if I could ask for some advice. I would be very interested in looking at stars and planets, although galaxies and nebulae would be fantastic too! I realise telescopes come in different sizes and have different strengths. I'm looking for something small and portable that I could bring on camping trips, that isn't too expensive. I've had a look online and there is a huge variety. Since this will be my first telescope, I'd like to start small at around £100, and see where I go from there. I'd prefer something simple to use that doesn't take too long to set up but can still be used for some good astronomy. I have good access to fairly good observation spots away from light pollution. If anyone has any suggestions for books or websites to get an amateur astronomy enthusiast started, please do let me know. 


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