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Posts posted by Bklynse

  1. Hello,

    I am new to this forum and would like to get some information regarding astrophotography.

    I have a Nikon D3200 with 2 lenses (55-200mm and 18-55m).  The lenses came bundled with the camera, so I'm guessing they are very beginner-level (which has been OK so far)

    Here are my questions (with apologies if they do not make sense):

    1) Are these lenses sufficient for astrophotography or do I need to get a better lens?

    2) If I need to get a better lens, what should I get: a zoom lens or a fixed lens?

    3) If I am going to take pictures of the Milky Way or of planets and stars, do I need an equatorial mount?  If not, how can I counteract the east-west motion of the earth during long exposures?



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