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Posts posted by CharlyLeyequien

  1. I got my StarGazer Heritage 130p and it came with a red dot finder

    I unfortunately thought it'd be better to remove it every time I stop using it and I unfortunately broke it

    I looked in Amazon, and the Skywatcher store page and I can't seem to find anything compatible, it is a very different mount to what I see in the stores,  I am hitting my head against the wall now, and hope you can help me with this

    Edit: Sorry, I meant to send this in the Equipment help under the begginer forums, but I cannot find how to move it or delete it, just an edit option


  2. So, it finally arrived and I was so happy, I immediately went to my roof to collimate and align the lil beauty and have it ready, and I just went out to see the only thing I can see, Jupiter and the Moon(Bortle 7 city), and it was amazing hahaha

    First I gotta say, I was a bit nervous, got overwhelmed with big words like collimation and adjusting the viewfinder, but it was all childs play, extremely simple, I took about 40 mins all in all, and considering my 0 experience, that was good(I think)

    What I gotta say is that I thought the telescope would be a bit more stable, maybe it is just that I need to be more careful, but I did lock it up and it still moved very easily, but again, maybe it is my inexperience

    Now, I have to say that I am extremely surprised and never really gave it any thought, that the sky moves so fast, one minute I had the moon in focus and another it was already leaving focus lol, I mean, it is kind of obvious, but I had seriously never considered that haha

    Also, I thought that with the 10mm lens I would see the moon a bit bigger, but it fit perfectly inside the eyepiece, that was also a surprise, but I am not going to get any more powerful eyepiece until later on(And I know that I need to make sure that I can use them with the telescope, can't quite remember why lol, but I will look at the vids you guys shared again)

    I am so happy, gonna be looking at the sky much more from now on :)

    • Like 11
  3. So, even though I live in a Bortle 7 city, I decided to get a Sky-Watcher Heritage 130p, got a phone adapter(Which I will not even use at first, but I wanted to have it already lol) and I am getting it on the 20th, early christmas present :D

    Now, I found several pet friendly camping locations that I am thinking of going to, to camp and stargaze, so that is going to be interesting :)

    If you have any advise regarding this specific telescope(Or anything regarding dobsonians in general) it is more than welcome

    I am thinking of crafting a light guard, was thinking of using a PVC tube, gluing some fabric to it, or something of the sort, and adapt it as good as possible, but if you have any advise on that as well I also appreciate that

    I know it comes with 25 mm and 10 mm 1.25" SUPER Eyepieces and I want to get, maybe a 4" but that is going to be in the future, for now I will just use those ones

    I am so frigging excited about this :)

    Thanks for reading me rant like a 10 years old boy lol

    • Like 11
  4. 41 minutes ago, ONIKKINEN said:

    First of all, warm welcome to the lounge!

    Then, i would say you need to take a step back and figure out your total budget for everything required to do what you want to do, that is mount, scope, scope corrector (most scopes need some kind of corrector at around 200-500USD) scope related accessories, camera, camera control accessories, dew control accessories, mount control accessories, etc. Write "astrophotography" on the side of a bucket and start throwing money in it. Dont stop for 3 years. Maybe now you have all you want, maybe not, thing is you will spend 3x what you thought was the "max" you might have spent at first. Its very easy to overlook the extra spending needed to do AP.

    What kind of imaging is it that you want to do? 127mm Triplet is hardly entry level and you will find that there are many scopes that do the entry level stuff for half the price, just depending on what exactly you want to do.

    And i would not do imaging with an AVX, at least not with a serious scope like this. The more realistic imaging limit for a mount is 50% of the stated manufacturer limit, so you would be severely undermounted with a fully equipped 127mm triplet with the AVX. With that scope i would recommend no less than an EQ6, and even that will not be "trouble free".

    OK, so I need to start with something below that one, say, a tabletop dobsonian or something of the sort, and save for a while for the 127, or is it a completely different monster and I should just relax and save without buying something different on the meantime? I see that I will spend even more than what the telescope is worth in accessories, so that is going to require some saving, as you advised

    Thanks for the recommendation, helps a lot :) 

  5. Hi, I am a totally noob person in stargazing looking to enjoy the night sky, have been interested since I was little, but only until now I am able to get myself something, after some googling, I came up with this telescope, Explore Scientific ED 127mm, and I really like it, plus in pages like telescopicwatch it is rated as very good, plus it is mentioned that it is good for astro photography, which I want to do at some point once I am comfy with the telescope, so why not already have something capable of it(OFC if there is any recommendations for something good that is a bit cheaper, I might look into it, the cheaper[for a good device] the better

    What I thought of asking for help about is mounts, what mount would you recommend for it, I was advised by B&H to buy these with the telescope(I hope it is ok to put links to other stores, I know this forum is sponsored by a specific store, if it is not allowed, I'll remove them): https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/917599-REG/celestron_91519_advanced_vx_computerized_mount.htmlhttps://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/761387-REG/Celestron_18780_AC_Adapter_5.html and https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/285704-REG/Celestron_18774_Power_Tank_12_Volt_7_Amp.html  

    So I want to know if that is good(I mean, at least the mount, already paying the 2k for the telescope and 1.2k for the mount is WAAAY over the budget I planned(750USD +/-) but I am willing to pay that if it is really that good

    I really appreciate your recommendations and any other advise you can give to a complete noob



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