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Everything posted by Garethb2552

  1. I've made an equatorial mount for my telescope. There is a series on YouTube, vids added weekly. I hope you enjoy it and have any feedback!
  2. Yup I can see orion. I was referring to the small cluster of stars in a line within the red circle sorry the line is feint but I didn't want to obscure anything. Thanks for the response
  3. Hello, I've taken a few photos of the stars lately I noticed a constellation in the images but I have no idea what it is. Would anyone be able to assist? Pic attached. I'm in Wales. if anyone is interested in the tech spec, I used a Canon 6D with a 50mm lens shooting at f1.8 for 6 second exposures at 3200ISO . I took 10 shots and stacked them in sequator. All the best Gareth
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