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Everything posted by taikiat

  1. thanks! because my liveview on asicap is always blurry its hard to tell what is the sharpest focus. i cant figure out if my photos are blurry becsuse out of focus, or im already pushing my 6" sct to its limits with a 2x. with that said, more pics from my 21 sep captures! thank goodness for clear skies.
  2. Thanks! I was just wondering if I could squeeze more out of the 6inch SCT through fine tuning of exposure/gain, stacking % etc. Or this is about as far as I go.
  3. Greetings from Singapore! Recent cloudy skies have limited windows for some planetary imaging, but here is what I have. Would appreciate any recommendations! Celestron Nexstar 6SE with 2 x Barlow ASI462MC with UV/IR cut filter ASICap > PIPP > Autostakkert > Registax 16 Sep 2022 Saturn (15 ms exposure, 70% of 4000 frames over 60s) 16 Sep 2022 Jupiter (8 ms exposure, 70% of 14996 frames over 120s, processed to have a harder view with accentuated details as well as another with slightly softer feel) 19 Sep 2022 Saturn (15 ms exposure, 70% of 8000 frames of 120s)
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