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Everything posted by MJ7

  1. Thanks for all your great suggestions I’ll definitely be doing some of those citizen science projects although I’m a bit limited because unfortunately I don’t have any kit. Thanks again! Mia
  2. MJ7


    Hi I am new to this forum and have just posted a message on Physics, Space Science and Theories, looking for a research project to do in the final year of my a levels. I’d appreciate any suggestions. Thanks, Mia
  3. Hi, I am in the final year of my A levels in the UK, studying four A levels including Maths and Physics. I am applying to study physics with astrophysics at university next year and I am looking to get some experience in the subject by getting involved in some research or a citizen science project in my spare time. I have had some experience this year with a university astrophysics team on a taster week where amongst other things we tracked the movement of Jupiter’s Great Red Spot. I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for organisations I could contact, or projects I could get involved with? Thanks, Mia
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