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Posts posted by tigertyson

  1. Hi. This boxing solution looks great to me.... but.... what is the box and where did you get it from please?

    As a total newbie I am still at the stage of wiping everything down at 10 minute intervals🥴 Your system and cable management seems the way to go as the gentle heat from the linear psu will help to keep the dew away I recon, and I already have one of those left over from an ongoing amateur radio project!! I checked out Ikea and other places but I tend to get a bit confused when vendors start quoting depth and height etc. 

    Any help is appreciated.👍

  2. As a beginner I tend to struggle with the basics and ask stupid questions so please bear with me! This question relates to my previous latitude setting issue in a way...  As I was having so much trouble locating Polaris I bought a  QHY Polemaster and it works wonderfully after setting the EQ6 latitude to 60 degrees, (my location is 53 degrees and at this setting Polaris is completely out of view). I still don't get why the dial is so inaccurate. However once the mount is polar aligned do I perform a 3 star alignment with the handset or in software such as NINA? I'm confused 😂 Thanks for your patience if you've read this far! (and it's still cloudy in Derby😭)

  3. Hi all,

    Very new to this lot so please forgive my ignorance,  I have read the Sky-Watcher EQ6-R manual cover to cover.

    When I set the mount up I crank the latitude dial up to 53 degrees which is my location. I have been 3 days now trying to polar align through the polar scope to no avail. Polaris is simply not visible, no matter how far left and right I adjust the azimuth screws. However, purely by looking at Polaris and deciding that the mount needed to point higher up I increased the latitude to 58, and there was Polaris. My questions are:- Has anyone else had this issue? How accurate is the scale on the dial and what have I missed?!!

    Any ideas/thoughts welcome.

    Clear skies

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