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Posts posted by jhayton

  1. I recently had this issue pop up as well.  Ive been imaging NGC 6888 for several days in a row since June 27th.  The first 3 days the auto run sequence went off without a hitch.  Nights 4,5 and 6 have had issues after the Meridian flip.  Images are streaked as if no tracking.  

    Looking at the log, the only notable difference I see is guide did not settle and timed out.

    I'm on a semi permanent setup.  Nothing changed with the rig during this time.  Only thing noteworthy is I used a new Android device on day 3.  I normally run from my iPad.  Days 4 onward I was back to my iPad, and thats when I see issues.  I feel something got changed in the guiding settings, but it all looks right.

    Sky-Watcher CQ350
    ASAair MINI

    (abnormal session on the left, normal on the right)


  2. M33 has been one of my favorites since last November. I had just gotten my 8" and didn't have much time behind it before M33 slipped beyond my viewing.  I've been wafting patiently for its return.   Now it is high enough above the horizon for me to catch it, I still needed to wait until after midnight for it to clear obstructions.  I still managed to capture ~4hr on target.



    Sky-Watcher EQ6-R Pro
    Sky-Watcher 200P-DS
    Starizona Nexus x0.75


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  3. Greetings astro people.

    Started my free fall into astrophotography last November.  I have not attempted to slow my descent, but rather have embraced the journey full on.  Ive built up my arsenal for photon collecting.  I mostly image with my 8" newt, but I do have a 10" on the way. 
    Im here to share my journey, take part in others and learn along the way.

    Im hailing from Norther Nevada and I generally image from my B4 backyard.



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