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Posts posted by peleks

  1. 24 minutes ago, inFINNity Deck said:

    Stunning image! I had to look up your location and found out that it is 'only' a Bortle 2 sky. Not jealous at all, being in Bortle 5/6 myself.... 😉


    Thanks,i think now i have Bortle 1, I know what is bortle 5, feel sorry for you guys..  This is darkest spot in my whole country, and the sky is really great!! :)

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  2. Hello Friends, this is my light from summer short nights, taken in July, August, September. 

    Exposure times are 36x20 minutes(12hrs) Ha, 39x20 minutes(13hrs)S2 and 42x20minutes(14hrs) O3. 10x3 minutes RGB for stars, total 40,5 hrs. 

    Will try to do a lots of processing since that thing is very weak for me :)

     Gear used : 80/384 TS Optics APO, HEQ5 belt mod, Atik 490exm, ZWO Asi 120mm guide cam on off axis guider, Baader filters. 

    second image is reworked version, i like it much better 

    ngc 6910HSOv2.jpg

    ngc 6910HSOv5.jpg

    • Like 9
  3. Image from last summer of NGC 6888, it took me whole summer to get 6 hours of data only because i went long exposures an summer nights are quite short + it takes a lot of night time just to cool down the telescope. (started with 1 sub per night, max 2 subs at the end.)

    Exposures - 9x20minutes Ha and O3 total 6 hrs.

    Gear - 250/1250 newton, HEq5 belt moded moount, Atik 490exm camera, off axis guider, ZWO Asic 120mm guide cam, Baader filters

    I will try to rework the data this weekend, to see how good i become in post processing.


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  4. Widefield image of NGC 6888 HSO pallete, taken with Ha and O3 filters, green color is generated from  30% red and 50% blue.

    Exposures 20x15minutes O3 and 10x5minutes +10x10minutes + 10x15minutes Ha (5hrs O3, 5hrs Ha) 

    Again season is ended here because in the north we do not have dark sky anymore, most you can do is go for short exposures (30-60sec) with Ha filters for small bright objects like Cat Eye core or Ring nebula, so i am waiting for late July to get some additional O3 signal, because it is not so strong as i want to,+ try to get a good S2. 

    Taken wth TS Optics 80mm F4.4 Apo, Atik 490exm, HEQ5 , Baader filters.

    ngc 6888 80mm2.jpg

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  5. 1 hour ago, Bibabutzemann said:

    i like it too!

    Not sure how much S2 will improve your image, but i think adding 2-3 hours of rgb data just for the stars would be nice addition. 


    CS Patrick

    It will give more 3D look, i have tried this on M27, of course S2 signal there was 2hrs only, but it did the job


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  6. Hello, this is my first post here, wanted to share my latest Soul nebula image. Image was taken with 80mm f4.4 refractor from TS Optics, Atik 490exm camera, HEQ5 mount and Baader narrowband fitlers. I have used only Ha and O3 filters, for S2 i did not had time, because here imaging season is over until late July. So in Autumn i will try to get some S2 signal and make picture little better + i want to have some additional good O3 data, because even with 17 hrs of exposure image is not as good as i wanted it to be. COlor pallete is Ha as red, O3 as blue and green color is generated from 30% of ha and 60% of O3 signal. For S2 filter i have a question, maybe if the signal is weak it is better to use green filter from LRGB set ? Has anyone did this in full narrowband? 

    Exposures are 45x20minutes Ha and 51x 20 minutes O3, total of 32 hrs.

    Thank you!! 


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