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Posts posted by coldlamper

  1. Well experimenting some more I noticed I couldn't slew with the power adapter. Tried a new power adapter and everything seem to be working as expected.  I'm not sure why I couldn't get the LED to come on the other night but perhaps my rechargeable batteries are slightly underpowered and as well as the power adapter so it's hit or miss on powering up.  Lesson learned.  The Az-Gti needs a good clean power source.     

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  2. I appreciate the replies.  Go figure but I got tired of messing with it and went to bed. Woke up tried it again and everything worked. Batteries and power supply.  Is there possibly some state the mount gets into where it just needs to be powered down for a while?  Trying to think of possible reasons for my experience.

  3. I just got it setup. Did 1 star alignment then started slewing to another star. Synscan app lost connection then there was no power light. Wont turn on anymore. New batteries or power adapter make no difference. Is it DOFU? Dead on first use? 

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