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    Portland Dorset

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  1. Thanks Don, Good advice,think I’ll be starting with maybe just 2 or 3 eyepieces and a Barlow at first until I have had some practise to see what suits.I won’t be rushing straight into anything until I’m reasonably sure it’s right for me,it seems to be a complicated hobby with a steep learning curve but I am willing to research,learn and listen to advice. Cheers Blue.
  2. Bingvader Not much in the way of local retailers in this parts especially as I don’t drive so not much chance of trying any.I will fb my friends as maybe someone is into astronomy but never mentions it.The telescope did come with an Altair 2 inch Dielectric diagonal which I think accepts 2 and 1.25.I won’t be rushing to get everything at once so plenty of time to research more experienced people like yourself idea’s cheers
  3. Louise D I have a budget of about $160 per piece so fairly good I think.I agree it’s better to get decent one’s,then if I find astronomy is not for me I can sell them on.
  4. Many thanks for the advice,time to give the optician a bell to check my last eye test results re astigmatism to see what level it is.Received the scope this pm so that’s the first piece of the puzzle.Honestly think I will need lenses with good eye relief so I’ll be looking at those. Cheers
  5. At 63 I decided to buy myself my first scope to use at home and to take away on trips.Got this, Altair Astro Starwave 102ED-R FPL53 Refractor Telescope which seems ideal for home and travel.So a complete newbie. As I won’t be getting a mount and tripod until the summer it won’t get used yet but I do have some cash for bits and pieces. My question is for advice on eyepieces.I wear reading glasses and my long sight isn’t too hot either(love getting old).I think it’s probably better to start with maybe just 3 or 4 including a Barlow but having researched different makes am as confused as when I started. Any recommendations would be appreciated from others who have the same problem. Budget between £120-140 per lens as I don’t want to spend a fortune then find out I don’t enjoy it. Many thanks
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