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Posts posted by Juju

  1. 9 minutes ago, vlaiv said:

    That code style is not the best for what you are trying to achieve.

    Don't use pauses that you don't precisely control - use active loop for good precision (this will drain more power but you want as "real time" as possible).

    Here is pseudo code for something like this:

    while not done:
      if current_time>=time_of_next_event:
        perform_next_event // like make step forward or step backward
        time_of_next_event = calculate_time_of_next_event(current_time, time_of_next_event)
        // here you can do microsleep if you want to save power or just do nothing and resume next step in iteration

    As for timing - it is simple.

    Sidereal rate is 15.043"/s

    You need to calculate how many micro steps you have per revolution.

    For example - let's say that your worm gear is 180:1 and that you are using standard stepper with 1.8 degrees step (200 steps per revolution) and you have 32 micro steps.

    One full revolution will have in that case 180 * 200 * 32 = 1152000 steps

    One full revolution, on the other hand has 360 * 60 * 60 = 1296000 arc seconds.

    If you divide these two numbers - you will get arc seconds per step 1296000/1152000 = 1.125 arc seconds per step

    Now we have 15.043"/s and 1.125"/step we can then divide those two to give us timing information

    15.043 / 1.125 = 13.371555.... steps per second or

    1.125 / 15.043 = ~0.0747856s per step or 74.7856 milliseconds per step or 74785.6 microseconds per step

    In above pseudo code you would then put

    time_of_next_event = time_of_this_event + 0.0747856s

    I am a complete beginner in python, to further learn on the style of coding you mentioned i would just need to research active loops? and thank you for explaining the calculation

  2. As this is my first post I'm not sure how exactly to word this.

    I started a project where i am trying to create a DIY RA Drive instead of buying a commercial one, I have successfully created a bracket and my wiring is all completed and works fine, however this may seem ridicule but I don't know how to match the rotation of the stepper to the earths rotation, in other words I am not sure on how to calculate the delay in which I need to send a signal for pulses.

    Below is the code i am using.

    i have up to 32 micro steps and am using python on a raspberry pi 3+.

    I have seen many people complete this project but all guides have been using Arduinos.

    Below is my code, could someone be so kind as to explain how i would go about the above problem? many thanks

    As said above the code and hardware works fine it is just the steps and how to match earths rotation i do not understand.


    from time import sleep
    import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
    from tkinter import *
    from tkinter import messagebox
    PUL = 17  # Stepper Drive Pulses
    DIR = 27  # Controller Direction Bit (High for Controller default / LOW to Force a Direction Change).
    ENA = 22  # Controller Enable Bit (High to Enable / LOW to Disable).
    channel = 2 #Relay GPIO is set as channel
    GPIO.setup(PUL, GPIO.OUT)
    GPIO.setup(DIR, GPIO.OUT)
    GPIO.setup(ENA, GPIO.OUT)
    GPIO.setup(channel, GPIO.OUT) #Relay GPIO Set up

    durationFwd = 1000
    delay = 0.05 # This is actualy a delay between PUL pulses - effectively sets the mtor rotation speed.
    print('Speed set to ' + str(delay))

    def Relay_on():
        GPIO.output(2, GPIO.LOW)  # Turn motor on

    def Relay_off():
        GPIO.output(2, GPIO.HIGH)  # Turn motor off

    def Exit():
    def forward():
        GPIO.output(ENA, GPIO.HIGH)
        print('ENA set to HIGH - Controller Enabled')
        sleep(.1) # pause due to a possible change direction
        GPIO.output(DIR, GPIO.LOW)
        print('DIR set to LOW - Moving Forward at ' + str(delay))
        print('Controller PUL being driven.')
        for x in range(durationFwd):
            GPIO.output(PUL, GPIO.HIGH)
            GPIO.output(PUL, GPIO.LOW)
        GPIO.output(ENA, GPIO.LOW)
    tk = Tk()
    b1 = Button(tk, text="Relay On", command=Relay_on).place(x=100, y=50)
    b2 = Button(tk, text="Relay Off", command=Relay_off).place(x=100, y=100)
    b3 = Button(tk, text="Exit", command=Exit).place(x=100, y=200)
    b4 = Button(tk, text="Forward", command=forward).place(x=100, y=150)


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