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Blog Comments posted by LDUNN1

  1. ......hope you didn't mind me adding my post Qualia, to your blog.....I think when I did I must have thought I was posting in an open forum, not someone personal blog!!! So apologies for that, but I did think it was applicable having just done a similar observing session to yourself.

    I must give the other double double that your report covers - if I can find them!! They sound really nice from your report.....thank you, this sort of sharing of experience is really helpful to discovering new things to try & to look at, much appreciaet you taking the time to post in the first place,



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  2. My last session was a visual 'grab n go' on the 11th July. I am a newbie to splitting doubles. Here are my notes from that night specifically on the doubles that I posted on my local observing groups forum:-

    "I spent a fair bit of time playing split the lyra double double at progressively lower mags. The C102 is 500mm focal length, I started with the Nagler 3-6mm zoom at 3mm & it was a relatively easy split, then I progressively zoomed out, I was still splitting it at 5mm, but it got very tough at 6mm I had to really take my time with it & not touch the scope at all, but I could just about still split both at 6mm - thats at a little over 80x mag. I read on SGL somewhere that someone managed to split it at 60x - that will be real tough for me I think, but I' like to try that on my AP - it's better optics to the C102 might help.

    Feeling confident at my double splitting I had a go for the first time at splitting Zeta Herculis, but the relatively bright star looked a bit bloated by now, looking like I had a surface starting to dew up, so as hard as I tried, I can't say I made the split - it is a tougher split that the lyra double-double though. Maybe one for another night & get in early before things start dewing up. Good fun splitting doubles mind - & the zoom is a really nice tool for the job as you can establish the split & slowly zoom out maintaining the split to the point where you struggle."

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