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Posts posted by tom33pr

  1. Hi there,

    I was thinking that I'd share a rather disappointing experience I had with 365astronomy.com

    I was looking to buy Baader Wonder Kit and after a brief online search the website lured me in with the most competitive price of just over £12 (maybe £13 can't rem exactly).

    ’Happy days’ – I thought and I quickly created my account in order to proceed through the checkout.

    I was literally speechless when it quoted me over ...£11 for the delivery. I still thought it was a miscalculation and some of that price will be deducted as I go farther through the checkout, but no – the final price came to over £24…

    Is this company based in the US???

  2. Hi,

    Just wanted to add that I too have had a great experience with FLO.

    They offer an outstanding customer support!

    Both Steven and Martin are extremely helpful - this is definitely one of the best (if not the best) online shops I've ever dealt with.

    Thank you :rolleyes:

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