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Posts posted by Redmike

  1. Thank you all for the replies. so I wasn't being stupid and it seems to be a good idea that nobody has actually put in a production as a standalone purchase, pardon the pun. 

    I'm looking at a mount for a SW explorer 150 and FLO offer this scope with an  AZ4 or an EQ3-2 mount and I'm torn between which one or buy the OTA separately and choose another mount but my budget is £500 and that will take up half of it hence my initial reference to the combined starquest 130 mount. 

    I'm not into AP (yet)so AZ is the sensible option for now anyway I guess !!

  2. Hi all, newbie here from UK. I have a small dob but rather than go bigger (6") as many people have recommended I'm leaning towards a reflector /tripod combo, partially for portability and storage and also  the option to upgrade individual items should I want to at a later date.

    I'm drawn towards the SW Explorer 130 (OTA or eq2) or SW explorer 150 (OTA eq3-2 or AZ4) or the SW starquest 130 (EQ/alt mount) and have a few questions.

    1) the two 130's are very similar in price and similar specs so what is the difference and with just naked eye viewing, what difference could I expect to see between them?

     2) is the  explorer 150 worth an extra £200 to the 130 explorer in terms of what I can see?

    3) How does the p version differ from the pds version in terms of operation and view quality?

    4) Ive looked at buying as a combo and buying as a separate OTA and tripod and I know they are available with EQ and alt az mounts and I know the difference between the mounts but does anyone know which is more stable, the combined EQ alt az of the starquest 130, the EQ of the explorer 130 or the eq3-2 of the 150?

    5) if I did buy any of them just as an OTA, what tripod would you recommend? Budget would only be £200 - £300 depending on which scope I purchased. I know that mount is the most important thing in a lot of people's mind but difficult to do with such a small budget.


    My budget is sub £500 and astrophotography is not of great importance, certainly not to the level of some pictures I see on her but I would like to image what I can see in the view and maybe just do some basic tracking & editing etc as I don't think I have the time or patience to take 100's of shots at 30 seconds then sit in front of a pc and stack and edit ( or whatever the technical term is). I do have a DSLR which I would like to use but as I say above it's not the most important thing to me. 

    What do I want to see? As much as I can 😊

    If you have read this far then thank you. If you can offer constructive comments and advice then thank you even more 👍

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