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Posts posted by Opriulian

  1. Hi All,

    I reciently got the 2" Optolong L-Ultimate filter, as i am shooting from a Bortle 9 area, and i noticed a severe gradiant of red on one side and blue on the other.

    I wanted to check if anyone else has this and what causes it? and if its normal or an issue with my filter.

    I am using an Quattro 150 and ZWO 533MC.

    Thanks and clear skies.

    Light_M81_300.0s_Bin1_20231107-220310_0001.fit Flat_1.1s_Bin1_20231108-072916_0001.fit

  2. Hi All,

    i just got the 150p Quattro for christmas, but i had bad weather and could not use the scope. today i got 30 minutes of clear skyes and wanted to test the new sope. This is when i saw that i a lot of uneven vignietting with a 1" sensor (ASI533MC). I took some flats and wanted to see if someone can help me solve this isue. Also if i change the frame the vignietting also changes.

    some more details, backspacing is ok and the coma corrector comes with the scope, i also colimated the scope so i think the only thing to mess around with is the focuser. But before i do that, i wanted to see what more experience people have to say.

    Attached are two flats for reference.


    Thank You and Clear Skies!

    Bad Flat 1.jpg

    Bad Flat 2.jpg

  3. Hi All,

    Sorry for the late response but did not have any clear skies to play around with the scope.

    In the end i decided that the RC6 was not the scope for my location (Bortle 9 middle of the city with limited time on 2-3hours per night) so i sent it back.

    now i am trying to figure out what a good scope would be for my location.


    Thanks for all the responses.


    Clear Skies!

  4. Hi All,

    new user here and proud new owner of an RC6 telescope :)

    Im am trying for a couple of days to get the new scope working correctly and I think I’m close. My biggest issue is collimating, witch I managed to get close yesterday while looking at a defocused star.

    My problem is that I can see a “shadow” of the secondary mirror in my images even though I have good focus.

    Can someone help me Figur this out?

    i also added o picture of my focus on a bright star and a picture where the spider veins of the secondary are visible.


    Thanks for the support and clear skies!



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