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Posts posted by laservet

  1. No 180 EDT  OR 206 EDF  though !

    But please sell me that 80mm f11 guide scope !!  :Envy:

    The guide scope is a pretty nice little scope. I was repeatedly asked to take an open spot in the 180 f7 production run (~$8K back in those days, a real steal), declined thinking I could get one from a later run.  :huh: Next chance I had for a 180 f7 it was $35K used and way outside my range.

    I've touched a 206 EDF...


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  2. AP 175 ED..that's not a frac, it's an anti-aircraft missile launcher!./and I'm not in the least bit envious!


    When I was observing with my 155 at a local soccer field a police car rolled up next to me at 2 AM. He told me someone at one of the neighboring houses reported me setting up a missile launcher. He scared the fool out of me, I was sitting in my observing chair and had dozed off and didn't hear or see the police car pull up next to me on the field, and when he hit his lights and siren I thought I was going to have a heart attack. I showed him Saturn and the moon through the scope and after that when he saw me out in the field at night he'd cut off his lights and drive up to observe for a few minutes with me.

    I now make a habit of calling the local police, telling them where I'm going to be set up, and inviting them to stop by and observe. One officer during the summer brings her children to observe for a bit after her shift ends at midnight. One night I was observing at a local golf resort, on a bluff overlooking the James River giving me a clear unobstructed view to the south over the water. Before I left that evening I told my wife I had a great hobby, I could leave at 8 PM, get back at 8 AM, no spousal questions asked. She laughed, said she wasn't worried, and told me to look in the mirror. I did, and laughed at my reflection in my layered winter observing clothes, all different colors, a black eye patch, and a headband holding a red flashlight. So I was observing, needed something from my car, and walked out of the woods to the parking lot where there were a couple dozen young women in formal gowns, some sort of debutante thing at the resort I guess. I smiled, said, "Good evening, ladies," got what I needed out of the car and went back to observe. I checked my watch and four minutes later an officer (same woman who brings her kids) came up behind me and said, "Oh, it's you! We had the strangest 911 call about a crazy man." The next time I went to my car I found the debutantes had moved their cars so they wouldn't even be parked near me. :-)

    Another time I was observing in the soccer field and a dozen teenage boys came up out of the dark. I'm used to crowds at the scope since our NASA-Langley astronomy club is all about outreach, but I could tell this time was different and something ugly was afoot. I didn't pick up my phone, just reached down and touched the redial button and about 60 seconds later a police car rolled up (they were my last call) and the teenagers scattered. Not sure what their plans were but I was relieved that the police interfered.

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  3. Leica 8x20 BA

    Leica 8x20 Ultravid

    Leica 10x32 BA

    Leica 8+12x42 Duovid

    Leica 8x50BA
    Zeiss 7x42 FL

    Zeiss 15x60 B/GA T*

    Celestron Regal LX 8x42

    Eagle Optics 10x50

    Canon 10x42L IS

    Although I have owned larger binos in the past, I find, for me at least, that if I need to drag out my parallelogram binocular mount to hold a large binocular, I'd rather set up a telescope and use the binoviewer for its flexibility in magnification. The Canons have been a deal changer for me, nice Canon L glass and with the IS I definitely see more detail than more expensive glass hand held.

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  4. Not sure how to edit my previous post so will add here. I've tried putting all my eyepieces in one very large case but it wound up being too heavy for this old man trying to avoid surgery for a herniated disc. The Pelican 1550's are a comfortable carry for me. However, they aren't deep enough to hold all of the Ethos line upright in the case, one of the Ethos is just a little too tall. The 1560 would be tall enough to hold the tallest Ethos. Storm cases, now owned by Pelican, are lighter, have easier to open latches, but aren't as sturdy.

  5. I use Pelican 1550's for most of my eyepieces. Pelicans are waterproof and strong enough to use as a chair or a step stool. When hurricane Ernesto trashed my house we pulled one of my Pelican cases out from under mud, wet blown insulation, wet sheet rock, broken 2x4's, and tree branches. I rinsed it off with a hose, opened it and found the contents safe and secure.

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