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Posts posted by Davie

  1. So far everyone has been very friendly and informative, exactly what a newbie needs.

    Very frustrating that I can't buy used items until I reach 50 posts. I can understand when it comes to listing items but buying seems excessive...

    Hello Boshank23,

    There's a site that deals in second hand astronomy gear, astrobuysell.com/UK it's worth a look there as there can be more than 40 items per day show up.

    Hope that helps a little



  2. Thats looking pretty neat Ryan!

    I see you mention 5 foot as one of the dimentiones for your observatory but is it 5' square? I am begining to look at building one and will be restricted to 5' wide and maybe 7' long although thats to fit a 8" newt.

  3. A really nice forum where people answer even the most simple and or daft questions without a hint of annoyance or "try the search button"

    One thing I would like to see dropped a little is the amount of posts required to see the "for sale" section, I know this is there for some protection but for new starts it would be great to browse through

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