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Posts posted by williamnohair

  1. Hi

    am posting this in case it helps anyone who has suffered the same problem as myself.

    In a nutshell: Own a Skywatcher Gti mount for some time now and used with some success, also purchased some time ago Skysafari and wanted to use both, with a problem much reported on the web and so much information out there that it can get a bit confusing and certainly in my case frustrating, after all just want stuff to work!

    After much experimenting and help from other postings this is what happens when you fire up the Gti.

    The mount generates its own wireless network and becomes the gateway, its IP address is always you see this when making a connection with the Synscan app/program, its very similar to a normal router that serves you the Internet. Any device that then connects to this network then gets an assigned address one up from this, i.e., .3, etc. However if you run the Safari app and go in to settings you will find it has also been allocated an address which is one up from the device you are using. In my case my Ipad was connected to the wireless network and had been given the address of  but when I checked the IP address in the settings page of SkySafari it was !

    If you accept this you get the error that the app cannot join the wireless network check your settings etc. If you now manually change that address to the same as the device running the Synscan app in my case .2 it should connect and work. However there is a caveat to this, I tried using an Iphone  4 and an old Ipad and they would not work together no matter what. I got the other error message that I had joined the network but the mount did not recognise the device type I had selected (Skywatcher Synscan Alt Az GoTo) and no amount of changing things would solve it. To get around this I used my trusty Win 7 laptop to run the Synscan program and things worked perfectly so it can be done don't give up!

    Sorry this is so long but I hope it helps someone out there. So to round off when you fire up the mount it becomes address no 1, any physical device gets the next address 2, any software running on the that device gets the next address 3. When you fire up SkySafari it must have the same address as the one that the SynScan app has got and this can e changed in SkySafari settings. None of this makes any sense to me as I thought software couldn't act in that way but there you are. I hope I have got this right feel free to contact me if things don't work






  2. Hello

    to all those with a Sky watcher Gti mount. Mine like many others was stuck trying to update to V3.16 and with no Wi Fi signal to communicate with I was up a creek.

    FLO loaned me a Sky watcher dongle and I have managed to do the upgrade however this was not a piece of cake and the update kept failing. Tried both versions with it bombing out at various stages. Tried a different location as there is a lot of Wi Fi traffic around still no joy. In desperation I left it updating and went in search of my dreaded Win 10 laptop just in case. When I returned hey presto it had completed the update to V3.16 and all is working. My experience with this has put me off for life in doing wireless updates. If you are stuck try walking away and don't look at it!!!! maybe I was sucking up all the wireless energy around.

    If I get any more problems I will keep this page updated

    Good luck



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  3. Adey

    many thanks for the advice and taking time out of the festive celebrations to help! Unfortunately I think I have made a beginners mistake, during the process when the update failed the instructions told me to 'power down' the motor controller (or something very similar) and being in the Christmas spirit as it were I switched off the unit. From my previous experience in life and working with printers/copiers I was always told never power down during a firmware update.

    I now have a unit which although is sending out a WiFi signal its SSID has changed to ESP_ followed by a number which is probably the WiFi manufacturers chip name. The unfortunate thing is that although I can connect to this signal and have set it as a home network type the software updater refuses to connect to it so I am stuck! I have e mailed FLO and will post the outcome here in case some other poor soul runs in to this problem, or if I cure it in the meantime (fat chance).

    So its back to lugging the Celestron Evolution around and doing my back in!!!

    Happy Christmas



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