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Posts posted by Dazzio

  1. Astronomy is a science, it has a language that is unfamiliar and intimidating to beginners. Think back to the time when you didn't know the meaning of words like Schmidt Cassiegrain, Maksutov, apochromatic, Newtonian, Alt-Azimuth, parabolic primary, f-ratio, exit-pupil, GEQ, OTA, FPL-53, and so on.

    I still don't know what any of that lot means :)

    I work in the office for Morrisons and I have to answer the phones to the public. They expect you to know how much every items costs and it's stock level, not easy when you consider that we have 3000 price changes a week and 26,000 items in shop. I also have to deal with our contractors for when stuff breaks. So I kinda know where you are coming from, Steve. I assume you use a database ticket system? Which people have to remember can only do what it's programmed to do, and it is programmed by a human. Try as we might we are not perfect and human errors do crop up from time to time. To get a reply within a couple of days is amazing, a couple of hours however is shockingly great service. For example, I'm still trying to sort out a problem with a contractor that first started in November. Now that's a headache. Basically, we are only human and we do make mistakes from time to time. So patience is a virtue. ;)

    I've yet to order anything from FLO but from what I have read on here, I'm not expecting any problems ;)


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