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Posts posted by Flappa30

  1. Richard, thank you your reply on this. I found just using the search and then go to on two consecutive nights meant that I had a position shift of about 20% of the image.  My scope has a FL of 430mm. I’ll try the using a previous image technique, which should hopefully improve this. I’m used to using NINA, where the repeat accuracy is great time after time. It may do 2 or sometimes 3 adjustments to achieve this. AAP seems to be limited to one adjustment only.

    Wim, no you can’t set the required accuracy, that’s the problem. The pre-set value (that you can’t see) would seem to be very loose, probably several arc minutes. It works fine, and is good enough to roughly centre the target as a one off, but not for accurate repeatability over several sessions.

    I hope that this gets an upgrade as the basic functionality is clearly already there. This is pretty fundamental for deep sky imaging targets. Come on ZWO, this falls short of what we need/expect. Allow us to set the accuracy and the number of tries to get there.

  2. I got first light with my ASIair Plus (AaP) last week. How do others find the accuracy of the plate solving..? I captured images of the same target on two consecutive nights, but found that the framing was very different on the second night. Nothing on my setup was moved or changed between sessions. The plate solving only ever seems to do a single correction, so the accuracy must be pretty loose. Cuiv The lazy geek has mentioned this in one of his recent YouTube videos. I haven't tried using a previous image (say from the night before) to see if this is any better. Has anyone else tried this, does it work..?

    Now that I know about this I will give it a try myself.

    Does it just use the existing images coordinates instead of plate solving..?

    Like others I have been using NINA for a while, and find the simplicity of the AaP appealing, but if the repeatability isn't there for multi-session imaging I'm not sure of its use beyond beginner level imaging.

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