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Pelican Nebula 09 May 2022

A quick test to see what my newly modified 600D can do. Taken from my back garden in Bortle 5 skies with a 50% moon. I found it hard to find the target, at 30 seconds I could see some red but not distinguish where I was around the NA / Pelican nebula region. My camera and telescope only gives me a small field of view only just managing to get the pelican in the frame. In the end at 180 seconds I could make out some of the beak and mainly identified the target by looking at the stars in relation to images on telescopious. Once framed I took 9x 300s subs, but in hind sight I should stick with 180s. The images were good but the darks show a lot of dark noise glowing in the bottom left. I tried to process as best as I could with 3x darks and the same flats and bias as I usedbin M13. I'm happy for a quick 45 min check of the camera, but waiting for a longer session with the target higher in the sky and no moon where I can try and get better data with less dark noise.

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By Enceladus Dan

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