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VdB 152


In the constellation Cepheus, at 1400 light years from Earth, lies vdB 152, a small blue reflection nebula located at the tip of the dark Bok nebula Barnard 175.  Embedded in the dark nebula is the Herbig Haro object HH 450. The faint red streak to the right of the reflection nebula is a supernova remnant known as SNR G110 + 11.3 which appears to be approaching vdB 152.

Some of my notes for those that might be interested:

Reflection nebulas are created when a nearby star illuminates the gas of at a nebula at an insufficient energy level to ionize the gas but strong enough to create light scattering that makes the dust visible.  Reflection nebulas mostly appear blue because particles in the nebula scatter blue light more efficiently than other wavelengths.

Bok nebulas are isolated and relatively small dark nebulas containing dense dust and gas from which star formation can occur.

Herbig Haro objects are bright patches of nebulosity that form when fast moving narrow jets of partially ionised of gas, ejected from a newly formed star, collide with nearby gas and dust at several hundred km/s.

The LRGB image below represents 12 hours integration time and was taken with my Esprit 150.

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