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.135mmFL f2.0 -.Sagittarius Star Cloud


(Small) Sagittarius Star Cloud - M24
The image also includes the following objects.
Emission nebula IC4701 on top,
Bok modules Barnard 92 & 93 imbedded in star cloud,
Emission nebula IC1283-84 (Sh2-37) on lower left.


Samyang 135mmFL f2.0 ED lens with 7nm Baader H-alpha filter.
2x30sec Red Ha + 1x30sec All spectrum luminance mean live-stacked together.
Captured from Umtanum Ridge, WA with SX-825 mono camera and LodestarLive software.


Real-time capture of live-stacked image with no post-processing applied.


© Dom543

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SX-825 Real-Time

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